
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

Plane Crash

Q: A plane crashes on the france, spain border so it that case wher do you bury the survivors?

A: nowhere because you don't bury survivors


Q: forwards its heavy, backwards its not

A: ton

Old,bid Bowling Balls

Q: what do you use with big,old bowling balls?

A: Give it to elephants to play marbles with it.

Boat Ride

Q: There was a boat and there was 2 dads and 1 son,actually there was 2 sons wheres the other son?

A: the 1st dad is the dads dad so he's a dad and his son is a son and a dad to the other son.


Q: How do you spell mississssippi?

A: M I S S I S S I P P I

What Is It?

Q: I have a big head, two big noses, three blue eyes, four small ears, five wide mouthes. What is it?

A: "I"

Greater Than God

Q: What is greater than God, more evil than the devil,the poor have it, the rich need it, if you eat it, you will die?

A: help me!!! don't know the answer!!!

Living Man

Q: can a living man in the USA be baried in Canida.

A: no because he is alive. and cant be bruuied.

Word On Word

Q: What word that people had always pronounce it wrong?


Ten-Pound Notes

Q: Why are 1999 ten pound notes worth more than 1993 ten pound notes?

A: Because there are more of them!

Weep For My Death

Q: I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He who buys me cuts my tail, takes off my suit of silk, and weeps beside me when I am dead. What am I?

A: I am an Onion.

Sad Thing

Q: I was carried into a dark room, and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off. What am I?

A: A Candle

Frozen Discovery

Q: A man is taking a hike in Alaska. He is walking along the ice, when suddenly, he slips and falls. Upon getting to his feat, he realizes that there was something stuck in the ice below where he fell. He wiped off the snow, and dug them out with his ice picks. He quickly discovered that the objects were two frozen human beings. As soon as he inspected the bodies, he knew right away that they were Adam and Eve. How did he know?

A: They had no belly-buttons! According to the bible, Adam and Eve were not born, therefor they would not need an ombilical cord, therefor they woould have no belly-button!

What Am I?

Q: I can grow over 500 times, than that of a human. I eat and eat, non-stop, and I move either fast or slow. (depending on the conditions of the weather) I hate water, and most liquids. Also, I love air. What am I?

A: I am a fire.

Identity Crisis

Q: When is a door not a door?

A: When it's ajar.