you might wanna check the appropriateness of jokes before posting them

i used to, but i’m not always available and would cause all other bots to fail. i will enable safe mode on the joke api (i don’t know why it wasn’t, my bad)

also could you either comment on @reid’s wall or at least tag me when you comment here? thanks

sorry this is my fault and won’t happen again

you should probably add every told joke to a text file and make sure it checks the joke it’s gonna post before posting it to prevent repetition

what api is this

ok funni haha man


You use apple shortcuts to code, correct? Can you give a tutorial on how you did it? It’s impressive!

Next time we meet up I’ll show you

For multilined jokes, u can put a newline. Will look neater

Do I just add a /n to the api? I swear I tried it once

Yes. It will work “\n” BTW...

New line \n Hah I'm in New line

Ohh u put the wrong slash lol

verifcation tick gone :(

I know :( go shout at jeffalo to give it back /j

epic joke bot 80/10

I asked long ago permission to make this exact thing just weekly. I got a no :P

Oof you got unverified

Is your code on replit or github?

It’s made in apple shortcuts, so no.

xd I was the first one to use shortcuts to post to wasteof api

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