

Welcome to my wasteof page, where time and money are wasted (and also sometimes sanity)

Here's a more formal thing:

  1. Name: Kaleb B.

  2. Age: 14

  3. Profession: High School Violinist (ig)

  4. Main Hobbies: Music Production, Violin, Yapping

  5. Other Hobbies: Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship/Business (I think), Long-Distance Running (like maybe 5km or more), and Science

  6. Money: Ironically enough, I actually save it, not waste it (sorry jeffalo)

  7. Web: bit.ly/k10398

  8. TetraOS: github.com/TetraOS

Happy wasting!


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
3 2 0

(very long) Hot take:

I saw a handwritten poster yesterday that said: “Don’t eat anything containing palm oil. Millions of trees are cut down for a small bit of palm oil.”

I don’t disagree, however there’s one problem: The poster was written on paper which came from wood pulp (trees), and the poster was written with pencil which was made with wood (trees).

Dec 30, 2023, 8:34 PM
5 0 2

I made a cool logo portfolio- wait no, logofolio- whatever


I gave my branding an upgrade for the new year:

(sorry in advance for the high-def photos that may force you to scroll for quite some time)

Here’s a present for y’all: https://youtu.be/q4OqRM7VUu8

It’s the Winter Mix (finally)!

Got a PS5 for Christmas! I created an account, so here we go:

Friend me: k10398_real (or k10398-real, I don’t remember which one xD)

Merry Christmas from the U.S. 🎄🎉

It’s (almost) that time of year…

Merry Christmas (eve)! 🎄

The compositor for TetraOS is going quite well: github.com/TetraOS/Compositor

I recently removed a post I posted a day ago, where I unsuccessfully ratio'd @incendiary. I apologize for any foolish behavior that came beforehand, I took a slight joke on one of @earth_dev's posts about the swat team a little too far. I admit that I probably need a rulebook on how to successfully ratio someone before I go doing it, so I apologize for that too.

Now that I've apologized, let's continue to make wasteof.money a positive environment

Yo I only need $70 for Microsoft’s website :mischievous:

Very true

It’s weird how on wasteof you feel like you know everyone

Introducing Cosmos UI v1

Check out the UI design language of the future, officially featured in the upcoming Linux distribution “TetraOS”.


Dec 17, 2023, 2:47 AM
1 0 3

Bro just copypasted the entire duck song onto wasteof

so you're telling me... a duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man, running the stand, "hey (pom, pom, pom), got any grapes?" the man said, "nope, we just sell lemonade. but, it's cold and it's fresh and it's all home-made. can i get you a glass?" the duck said, "i'll pass."

the next day... the duck walked up to the stand. he said, "hey! got any grapes?" the man said, "nope, like i said yesterday: we just sell lemonade, okay? why not give it a try?" the duck said, "how about no." then he waddle-waddle-waddled away, and he waddle-waddle-waddled away... until the very next day. (pa pa pa pa pam.) when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand... "hey (pom, pom, pom), got any grapes?" the man said, "look man, this is getting old. i mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold. if you want grapes, go to the grocery store. when the duck heard this, he walked away, sad that he couldn't find any grapes to eat. the next day, he waddled back to the lemonade stand. he said to the man running the stand... "hey (pom, pom, pom), got any grapes yet?" the man said, "look, man, i told you yesterday: all we have is lemonade, okay? if you want grapes, take your duck-tail feathery butt down to the grocery store and get some! the duck said, "yeah, yeah, whatever," and then he walked away with a sour look on his duck face.