

Welcome to my wasteof page, where time and money are wasted (and also sometimes sanity)

Here's a more formal thing:

  1. Name: Kaleb B.

  2. Age: 14

  3. Profession: High School Violinist (ig)

  4. Main Hobbies: Music Production, Violin, Yapping

  5. Other Hobbies: Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship/Business (I think), Long-Distance Running (like maybe 5km or more), and Science

  6. Money: Ironically enough, I actually save it, not waste it (sorry jeffalo)

  7. Web: bit.ly/k10398

  8. TetraOS: github.com/TetraOS

Happy wasting!


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
3 2 0

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

Jul 8, 2024, 3:21 PM
5 0 2


Hey wasteof fam,

I decided to take a break from the digital world. Why? I've been having lots of stress lately and I've been struggling with my spirituality. I lost myself to anger issues and stress, haven't been there for loved ones, have been lost in another world. I need to find myself again.

So… farewell for now.

- Kaleb B

P.S don't be alarmed if I'm gone until the end of 2024

Woohoo let's go wasteof

​ W⠀⠀

The dentist sucks 😫

Edit: she made my gums bleed

Jun 14, 2024, 4:09 PM
7 0 5

It's been doing that frequently for me too.

Image generators on OpenAI have been bugging out recently, so yea

ChatGPT made a new logo creator. I asked it to make me one, and it asked me a bunch of questions about the design. At the end of the conversation, it said “I can’t create images right now. Can I help you with something else?”


I'm late but did anyone see Craig do parkour on WWDC

So true

During the entire WWDC, I kept saying “Congrats, you joined the club”

Jun 11, 2024, 2:04 AM
4 0 0

I am lol

anyone having a ?th birthday party?

i am literally creating a chaotic audio illusion that will slowly drive you mad if you listen to the entire thing

it’s a pattern made over the course of 4 minutes and i modified it to make it unsettling

then i cut the speed in half and kept doing that for a while

then i took a chord at the end and cooked

i am almost done listening tto it and it is makeiug my finghers sjake and it huirts waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what uis my puir]s\fsafaewj eowjfdsajg-

Kaleb has died from the gradual buildup of insanity.

i am literally creating a chaotic audio illusion that will slowly drive you mad if you listen to the entire thing

it’s a pattern made over the course of 4 minutes and i modified it to make it unsettling

then i cut the speed in half and kept doing that for a while

then i took a chord at the end and cooked

i am almost done listening tto it and it is makeiug my finghers sjake and it huirts waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what uis my puir]s\fsafaewj eowjfdsajg-

Kaleb has died from the gradual buildup of insanity.

So stupid, yet hilarious

Lol this meme account is, well-

Happy World Milk Day 🥛


Holy shit guys I got a track liked by a popular-ish producer/DJ

Wait it gets even crazier

Billboard 100!?!? He also worked with some of the biggest names in EDM 😳

I'm in shock rn