
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

So it’s been two days since The Watcher was announced, and nobody has confessed that it was an AF joke. The wiki contributors are taking it seriously, and I’m pretty sure that putting up a Steam store item for something that wasn’t ever intended to be created is legally dicey. So here’s what I have to say on it:

(Content warning: direct information on the ending of Gourmand’s campaign & minor details from Spearmaster’s campaign; general Downpour spoilers - open edit history to read)

Apr 4, 2024, 12:18 AM
2 0 1

Maybe you don’t realize, but plants need their sleep too.

Those eyesores are so bright at night that they’re keeping the veggies awake! It’s a real problem for the crops!

-Reede, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

I watched a few specific segments of Ice Age: Collision Course and ended up discovering a new runic language! I have recorded, salvaged and reconstructed two phrases, enough to confirm that there is structure to it.

Icelandic Water Dragon: *reads an FAQ*

Icelandic Waters: “The prying ears of children are currently plugged. And are listening to jazz.”

If files from an external storage medium do not load at all, please check that the storage device is still attached. You might have removed it to test it you could make your file manager keep playing media with the device removed.

True story.

I just finished archiving my most recent notebook, aptly named “Landon's Book of Interdimensional Horriors”. Here's the outline for a story that I uncovered:

The Mineral Fish Concept:
Good Eggs, Bad Apples

Diamond Fish watches the evening news

Newscasters (?) announce that Apple Fish is out sick
(slightly rotting)

Kumquats kifernize Apple Fish at 3 am that night

Apple Fish's disappearance makes the headlines on the
morning news

The MJC* holds a private (but not secret) meeting to
discuss the event and decide if action needs to be taken

The kumquats anbush the meeting and kiferize everyone in
the room - including the 12 MEC† members...

* Mifernian Judicial Committee, the Judicial branch of the goverment
† Mifernian Executive Committe, the Executive branch

I feel like I've already shared this story, but . . .

More Rain World levels made for fun:

(I uploaded the wrong images…)

Mar 17, 2024, 8:36 PM
1 0 0

Although my copy of Rain World isn’t on Steam, I made this level for fun:


I have completed Saint’s campaign. The numbers:

Food: 142
Successful cycles: 35
Deaths: 65
Quits: 1
Time: 02:52:39

The Survivor 
The Pilgrim

One Monster Kelp killed

Ranking: 387

I have a problem. I planned to use my new iPad for art-making purposes, but social reasons and the way that my mentality changes over the course of the day are getting in the way of that. I have had many ideas for things to draw, but during the only times that social reasons allow me to use my iPad, I have internally enforced priorities that marginalize the desire to do so and makes me lose motivation.

There isn’t really anything I can do about this. I’m just venting my frustration . . .

This is my workflow for packaging and sending RW-570 broadcasts:

  1. Get the raw broadcast materials. Do whatever I need to collect it.

  2. Open the Siri Shortcuts editor on whatever device is available. Edit the “Metadata Moval” shortcut to contain the metadata of the broadcast.

  3. If the broadcast was recorded through a screen recording & is being packaged entirely from my phone, input the broadcast material into the shortcut through the share sheet.

    If the broadcast was recorded from the Nintendo Switch, send the video to my laptop to be re-encoded before being packaged.

    If the broadcast is already in audio format & is being packaged from my laptop, run the shortcut and pull the material from there.

  4. If the broadcast is being packaged ahead of time using my phone, save it to the Downloads folder when prompted, and transmit it to my laptop when available.

    If the broadcast was packaged from my laptop, or when the pre-packaged broadcast is sent there, proceed with the process.

  5. Upload the file and submit it to ChanRec or Corkboard, whichever one is currently operational.

. . . While writing this, I realized that very few people would know what I'm talking about. This is a very convoluted process with some chances for streamlining, but there are some silver linings to this system, such as consistent metadata between broadcasts being packaged in bulk.

Forgot to mention this again, but I completed Spearmaster’s campaign earlier today. Upon closer inspection, my hibernation-to-death ratio is JUUUST under 1:2.

-=-(general stats)-=-
Food: 271
Successful cycles: 56
Deaths: 110
Quits: 3
Time: 05:49:10
< Met Five Pebbles >
< Met Looks to the Moon >

-=-(karma reel)-=-
Maximum karma: 8
Passages completed:
| The Survivor, The Monk
| The Saint, The Outlaw
| The Scholar

-=-(creature kills)-=-
1  | Yellow Lizard, Scavenger, King Vulture,
   | Salamander
2  | White Squidcada, Infant Centipede,
   | Spitter Spider, Adult Noodlefly
5  | Pink Lizard, Blue Lizard, Eggbug
6  | Monster Kelp
8  | Cyan Lizard
10 | White Lizard, Lantern Mouse
15 | Pole Plant
24 | Dropwig


You know what's even worse than accidentally sleeping in? Sleeping in for an entire hour because your watch went into power reserve, and daylight savings exacerbating the problem.

ENTRY F - Sleeping Wayyy In

I had a dream about the campaign of a brown-colored slugcat named The Strider. From that point, it digressed into IRL events. I encountered some sort of five-headed Wither, and mounted an operation to help my sister learn about it. Further along, I was playing Rain World as The Strider and carrying a slugpup that I found, which was screaming legible words and calling me Alex. I was headed to a shelter so I could drop off the slugpup before heading off to fight something that looked like the Heart of Ender that I encountered earlier in the dream. There were some dandelion peaches in the shelter, so I ate those and hibernated.

I wouldn't have slept in if my watch hadn't gone into power reserve . . . not to mention that my left earbud went missing.

RAIN WORLD TIP: if you struggle to efficiently use Hunter’s back spear, pretend that you're playing as Spearmaster and tell yourself that you're holding Grab to grow needles. If you really think about it, Hunter’s back spear and Spearmaster's needle growing ability are quite similar, with the exception being that Hunter’s ability is limited and storage-dependent, whereas Spearmaster's ability is unlimited but slow compared to Hunter’s ability.

My new iPad arrived a few minutes after I gave a negative-acknowledgment update on it in my journal. Attempting to do a wireless data transfer resulted in multiple errors, so I'm currently backing up my old iPad so I can transfer the data that way.

In the meantime, have this scenario from a movie that I was watching during the failed setup attempts:

Two characters are sitting on a glacier. One of them is an expert on glaciers, and the other knows next to nothing about glaciers . . . including the fact that they're sitting on one.

Character #1: “So, is it true that glaciers are stealthy?”

Character #2: “You're sitting on one right now.”

The camera zooms out to confirm this.

Character #1: “Haha! Sneaky glacier!”