[disclaimer not in use]
6:30-9:00 in the morning
2:00-4:30 in the afternoon
6:30am-9:00pm, tentative
All times are in Eastern Time.
Scratch: LandonHarter
Text Based Games Forums ( https://tbgforums.com/forums ): Orb Fish
Libera IRC ( https://libera.chat ): LandonHere and IcelandicWater
Scratch: My profile comments
Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)
Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)
Apple is getting to its 2030 carbon neutrality deadline faster than me casually playing The Legend of the Llama.
Next-generation Apple Watch (now with fake leather in the watch band)
Next-generation Apple Watch Ultra (no updates on diving features, which makes sense because the diving features are managed by a different company )
Next-generation iPhone (humorous comment not available)
Next-generation iPhone Pro (made of titanium but not advertised as bulletproof, do not test for bulletproofness)
Me and my friend, Marziana, are exploring an abandoned structure. The press has reported sightings of an unusual creature around this structure. We didn’t find it upon inspecting the surface level of the structure, so we have no choice but to find a way into the interior levels.
Marziana finds a hole in a room’s floor that leads into deeper levels. We go in.
Half an hour later, our search remains fruitless. We’re about to move onto the next floor when Marziana poses an idea.
Marziana: “Let’s split up. You search the next floor, I’ll search the floor below that. If that creature spots you, just scream and make for the hole that we came in through.“
Me: “Alright.“
While I’m checking out a side room, I feel like I can hear footsteps. I close the door, remain dead silent & look through the gap. I see nothing.
A few minutes later, I hear Marziana shout from downstairs.
Marziana: “[My Name]! Come down here!“
I don’t respond. I could’ve sworn I heard the creature’s footsteps. The timing, the timing . . .
A few minutes later, I slowly open the door. I shout back:
Me: “Coming!“
I go downstairs. Logically, Marziana would be waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. But she isn’t there. The next logical answer is that she made a discovery & is waiting for me there. I’m not going to risk getting heard by the creature, so I don’t shout again. Instead, I start searching this floor for her . . .
Testing if all stories sound good in TCINAR-style:
At this point, I’ve been hiding for a few minutes. I notice a light sniffing sound that seems to be getting louder. It sounds like it’s coming closer to my hiding spot, until it stops.
??? #1: “Listen, I . . .”
A different voice cuts in.
??? #2: “Kulfi? Don’t you remember that-“
Kulfi?: “Oh, right. Sorry. Anyways, they’re here.“
??? #2: “I know. Thanks for the report. Hopefully the box doesn’t have any splinters inside.“
Kulfi?: “I’m more worried about what happened earlier. Do you think they’ll forgive me for-“
??? #2: “They’ll be fine! Chaimakia can fix just about anything!“
The box is lifted and starts moving. Whoever is moving the box is walking with a surprisingly human gait, which was the last thing I expected.
A few minutes later, the box is put down. I hear another voice:
??? #3: “Thanks.“
??? #2: “Let’s go into your room to discuss this. You probably don’t want them to hear us talking.“
[??? #3] doesn’t immediately respond.
??? #3: “Sure.“
I hear a door opening and closing. A minute later, I can hear them start talking. I can’t make out the words, though.
I try the box’s lid. The box, thankfully, hasn’t been secured since I hid in it, and the lid gives easily. I sneak out of the box and start eavesdropping.
??? #2: “Do you plan on telling them who you are?“
??? #3: *chuckle* “Of course I will! If she prompts me for my name, I’ll tell her ‘You can call me Chaimakia‘, and-“
I’m considering making an alt so I can post about the thing I like to talk about the most without forcing one of my friends to unfollow me on account of spoilers.
If I end up doing so, I already know what I’m naming it.
I have a phone now, so I can connect to wasteof & Libera whenever I want. I won’t be too active on here, so prioritize contacting me on Scratch & on the TBGs.
I’m back, everybody who has kept friendships with me despite me not being here very often!
“Update data successfully downloaded . . . . . hey, look, it’s Wiggler.“
My parents have left the house early so that they can do something that I won’t disclose here. They let me stay on my computer while they drive. Which means obvious things.
I’ve come out of my shell & returned to wasteof on the last full day of my holiday vacation.
Oh, and it also appears that image support has been added early.
[7:08:15 AM] <NoAnnouncement> I may have accidentally launched a counter-invasion
[7:08:56 AM] <CST1229> ok
[7:09:33 AM] <NoAnnouncement> citation: https://mineralfish.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Zu-
[7:10:24 AM] <CST1229> who is zu-
[7:10:37 AM] <NoAnnouncement> the person on wasteof.money
[7:10:51 AM] <CST1229> ok
[7:11:00 AM] <[PkmnQ]> what's next, the creator of bundle joins?
[7:11:04 AM] <NoAnnouncement> idk
[7:11:17 AM] <CST1229> "wasteof.money Invades The Mineral Fish"
[7:11:35 AM] <NoAnnouncement> *gulp*
[7:11:38 AM] <NoAnnouncement> exactly
[2:31:10 PM] <LandonHere> you know what today is?
[2:31:23 PM] <CST1229> wasteof day
[2:31:25 PM] <LandonHere> yes
[2:31:37 PM] <CST1229> the 1st anniversary of wasteof2
[2:32:17 PM] <LandonHere> I suggest that you change your profile picture to a hand-drawn version of your normal PFP that looks like Jeffalo's PFP
[2:32:28 PM] <LandonHere> because that's what I did
[2:33:40 PM] <CST1229> so that means i just replace the white with black and the blue with white, and also thinner brush size
[2:33:49 PM] <LandonHere> I guess
Is this the right way to celebrate the anniversary?
[disclaimer not in use]
6:30-9:00 in the morning
2:00-4:30 in the afternoon
6:30am-9:00pm, tentative
All times are in Eastern Time.
Scratch: LandonHarter
Text Based Games Forums ( https://tbgforums.com/forums ): Orb Fish
Libera IRC ( https://libera.chat ): LandonHere and IcelandicWater
Scratch: My profile comments
Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)
Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)
Please comment on this post with the name of something that could be turned into a fish. @theglasspenguin needs ideas.
The answer:
[3:07:00 PM] <Reid_> I am gonna run a competition
[3:07:21 PM] <Reid_> People can submit designs for the pfp and banner
[3:07:34 PM] <Reid_> I’ll use them and give a shoutout
[3:07:44 PM] <Reid_> Idk whether it’ll be good or no
[3:07:58 PM] <Reid_> I don’t know what other reward I could give
[3:09:03 PM] <Reid_> Also I’ll rewrite it in python and make it run on my pi daily
Five likes and I’ll tell you one of the things that happens at @jokebot 30 followers
Things that Ultsppi said about a new game he was making:
[7:44:53 AM] <ultsppi> the kumquat king's certified piscite-proof submarine is really good for trying to thwart the mineral fish's plans underwater
[7:46:22 AM] <ultsppi> the mineral fish getting sent to some fancy islands where the kumquat king and his gang have set up plans in secret and trying to stop him
[7:46:46 AM] <ultsppi> this is definitely not the plot for a game i am definitely not making (and probably wont finish)
[7:56:57 AM] <ultsppi> nizhintjus (pronounced nyi-zhin-chooss)
[7:57:05 AM] <ultsppi> basically means "not kumquat"
[7:57:09 AM] <ultsppi> inconspicuous
[8:11:37 AM] <ultsppi> the kumquats have constructed a secret research facility in some obscure archipelago in the notlantic ocean
[8[8:11:52 AM] <ultsppi> they're research wildlife, weapons, and how to completely wipe out the republic
[8:12:14 AM] <ultsppi> you, the mineral fish, must thwart their plans before it's too late
[8:52:06 AM] <LandonHere> if I post a scratch assets link in a wasteof post, will it load as an image?
[8:52:15 AM] <CST1229> probably not
[8:52:16 AM] <JackyBC> probably not
[8:52:31 AM] <LandonHere> let's test that
…and it didn’t work.
[8:54:13 AM] <JackyBC> landon
[8:54:16 AM] <LandonHere> yes?
[8:54:17 AM] <JackyBC> try copying the image by using copy image
[8:54:19 AM] <JackyBC> not the url
[8:54:21 AM] <LandonHere> ooooooo
[8:54:22 AM] <LandonHere> ok
[8:54:22 AM] <JackyBC> it then displays the image
[8:54:24 AM] <LandonHere> ok
…and it still didn’t work.