landonhere's avatar


Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17
‹‹ 403938374321 ››

Testing if all stories sound good in TCINAR-style:

At this point, I’ve been hiding for a few minutes. I notice a light sniffing sound that seems to be getting louder. It sounds like it’s coming closer to my hiding spot, until it stops.

??? #1: “Listen, I . . .”

A different voice cuts in.

??? #2: “Kulfi? Don’t you remember that-“

Kulfi?: “Oh, right. Sorry. Anyways, they’re here.“

??? #2: “I know. Thanks for the report. Hopefully the box doesn’t have any splinters inside.“

Kulfi?: “I’m more worried about what happened earlier. Do you think they’ll forgive me for-“

??? #2: “They’ll be fine! Chaimakia can fix just about anything!“

The box is lifted and starts moving. Whoever is moving the box is walking with a surprisingly human gait, which was the last thing I expected.

A few minutes later, the box is put down. I hear another voice:

??? #3: “Thanks.“

??? #2: “Let’s go into your room to discuss this. You probably don’t want them to hear us talking.“

[??? #3] doesn’t immediately respond.

??? #3: “Sure.“

I hear a door opening and closing. A minute later, I can hear them start talking. I can’t make out the words, though.

I try the box’s lid. The box, thankfully, hasn’t been secured since I hid in it, and the lid gives easily. I sneak out of the box and start eavesdropping.

??? #2: “Do you plan on telling them who you are?“

??? #3: *chuckle* “Of course I will! If she prompts me for my name, I’ll tell her ‘You can call me Chaimakia‘, and-“

I’m considering making an alt so I can post about the thing I like to talk about the most without forcing one of my friends to unfollow me on account of spoilers.

If I end up doing so, I already know what I’m naming it.

I have a phone now, so I can connect to wasteof & Libera whenever I want. I won’t be too active on here, so prioritize contacting me on Scratch & on the TBGs.

I’m back, everybody who has kept friendships with me despite me not being here very often!

“Update data successfully downloaded . . . . . hey, look, it’s Wiggler.“

My parents have left the house early so that they can do something that I won’t disclose here. They let me stay on my computer while they drive. Which means obvious things.

I’ve come out of my shell & returned to wasteof on the last full day of my holiday vacation.

Oh, and it also appears that image support has been added early.

[7:08:15 AM] <NoAnnouncement> I may have accidentally launched a counter-invasion
[7:08:56 AM] <CST1229> ok
[7:09:33 AM] <NoAnnouncement> citation:
[7:10:24 AM] <CST1229> who is zu-
[7:10:37 AM] <NoAnnouncement> the person on
[7:10:51 AM] <CST1229> ok
[7:11:00 AM] <[PkmnQ]> what's next, the creator of bundle joins?
[7:11:04 AM] <NoAnnouncement> idk
[7:11:17 AM] <CST1229> " Invades The Mineral Fish"
[7:11:35 AM] <NoAnnouncement> *gulp*
[7:11:38 AM] <NoAnnouncement> exactly
[2:31:10 PM] <LandonHere> you know what today is?
[2:31:23 PM] <CST1229> wasteof day
[2:31:25 PM] <LandonHere> yes
[2:31:37 PM] <CST1229> the 1st anniversary of wasteof2
[2:32:17 PM] <LandonHere> I suggest that you change your profile picture to a hand-drawn version of your normal PFP that looks like Jeffalo's PFP
[2:32:28 PM] <LandonHere> because that's what I did
[2:33:40 PM] <CST1229> so that means i just replace the white with black and the blue with white, and also thinner brush size
[2:33:49 PM] <LandonHere> I guess

Is this the right way to celebrate the anniversary?

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

Please comment on this post with the name of something that could be turned into a fish. @theglasspenguin needs ideas.

The answer:

[3:07:00 PM] <Reid_> I am gonna run a competition
[3:07:21 PM] <Reid_> People can submit designs for the pfp and banner
[3:07:34 PM] <Reid_> I’ll use them and give a shoutout
[3:07:44 PM] <Reid_> Idk whether it’ll be good or no
[3:07:58 PM] <Reid_> I don’t know what other reward I could give 
[3:09:03 PM] <Reid_> Also I’ll rewrite it in python and make it run on my pi daily 

Five likes and I’ll tell you one of the things that happens at @jokebot 30 followers

Things that Ultsppi said about a new game he was making:

[7:44:53 AM] <ultsppi> the kumquat king's certified piscite-proof submarine is really good for trying to thwart the mineral fish's plans underwater
[7:46:22 AM] <ultsppi> the mineral fish getting sent to some fancy islands where the kumquat king and his gang have set up plans in secret and trying to stop him
[7:46:46 AM] <ultsppi> this is definitely not the plot for a game i am definitely not making (and probably wont finish)
[7:56:57 AM] <ultsppi> nizhintjus (pronounced nyi-zhin-chooss)
[7:57:05 AM] <ultsppi> basically means "not kumquat"
[7:57:09 AM] <ultsppi> inconspicuous
[8:11:37 AM] <ultsppi> the kumquats have constructed a secret research facility in some obscure archipelago in the notlantic ocean
[8[8:11:52 AM] <ultsppi> they're research wildlife, weapons, and how to completely wipe out the republic
[8:12:14 AM] <ultsppi> you, the mineral fish, must thwart their plans before it's too late
[8:52:06 AM] <LandonHere> if I post a scratch assets link in a wasteof post, will it load as an image?
[8:52:15 AM] <CST1229> probably not
[8:52:16 AM] <JackyBC> probably not
[8:52:31 AM] <LandonHere> let's test that

…and it didn’t work.

[8:54:13 AM] <JackyBC> landon
[8:54:16 AM] <LandonHere> yes?
[8:54:17 AM] <JackyBC> try copying the image by using copy image
[8:54:19 AM] <JackyBC> not the url
[8:54:21 AM] <LandonHere> ooooooo
[8:54:22 AM] <LandonHere> ok
[8:54:22 AM] <JackyBC> it then displays the image
[8:54:24 AM] <LandonHere> ok

…and it still didn’t work.

May 18, 2022, 12:53 PM
2 0 0
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