Question from one of my friends: what happens if Neuros crashes?

Systems run without an OS layer if NEUROS crashes, NEUROS’ actual function is mostly visualization and organization of my mind, so a crash isn’t fatal (obviously), but it usually means that something is going very wrong and I need to fix it or reset (via sleep/distraction)

Aight, thanks!

NEUROS mainly manages internal operations too, and it’s pretty well sandboxes from external operations, so

  1. External stimulus can easily go to NEUROS, but NEUROS needs to make very deliberate requests in order to do anything externally (most of the time)

  2. Even when NEUROS is damaged or offline external operations can work mostly fine

I have so much brain lore I could talk about, probably too much lmao

idea: on april fools, post “better call saul” on @mefemphetamine instead of “breaking bad”

You seem entertaining

You’re doing a good job also you also seem like a pretty good test dummy for brain rot contagion

Ok good to know 👍

slay them all

i'm doing a wasteof survey for the trolley problem. Would you like to participate? It would be great if you can, thank you

thanks! Here is the link: please tell me how many kills you got, thanks!

it’s not loading on my school chromebook, I’ll try it when I get a chance

That’s fine, thanks

207 human bones

that’s a lot

i forget where you suggested it, but i remembered you suggesting that wasteof/wasteofplus add a way to switch between accounts in one browser instance seamlessly. well, you might be in luck because i have a wasteofplus prototype set up of this working. it also shows you new messages from any of the accounts through notifications/the new message badge on the extension :)

Can I keep the bucket?

Yeah sure

I have natural oil in my basement (also some platinum) would you like some?🤔


How do you say the e in your username out loud?

Like the e in eepy, or the e in jeffalo?

jeffalo e

please make @mef before someone else does

*cough* *cough* you may want to grab the name @mef in case someone snipes it during this joke 😳

Oh dam right

you could just create a second account with @mef and your main account can still have the discrim.

your thing for photo bot didn't work, post again.

Oh ok


sorry comment that again i double posted

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