The return (this was posted from my watch)
Woohoo I'm back I can use wasteof on my watch again!!!! (This is @oren btw but I can't log in on that account for some reason)
wasteof beta updates:
Top user list now only shows 30 people at most
There’s a new __order
parameter in the api response (kinda useless imo bc it’s already an array but whatever)
Stats were also removed from the explore page api (they weren’t needed ig)
I want to get a phone and I think my dad would let me but I don’t have enough moneyyyyy
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled non-controversial posts
The thing is though, like, I’m really interesting because of it
I may be controversial but at least I don’t post dumb stuff twice a week like some people
No one on this site is homophobic, myself included. I have yet to see a homophobic person on here
Why is there a problem with gay people? I mean, there's full of homophobic people who just think being gay is a disease or something. It's not. I have lots of gay friends, and they're normal people like me and you. Now a message for homophobic people. No one asked you to be gay, they just asked you to respect them.
It’s surprising how many people agree with my last post. I kinda thought there would be less agreement
Also, thanks for not getting mad (most of you)
I’m glad I didn’t get canceled