
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

I'm doing my mock trial today, wish me luck

any other wasteof2 documentation projects? (besides my own)

just curious

when your css works

ok so apparently you can’t use login with replit on localhost. never fear, i made my own auth

Happy 4/20!

@jeffalo for wo.m 3 can you add in more oauth (like replit, scratch, discord, etc)

this is so true

yo check out my new website: https://wasteof-posts-per-hour.s40.repl.co

It shows you the number of posts on wasteof each hour (at least the posts from people @wynd follows)

*Laughs verifiedly*

What does a laughing emoji that entertains the users of wasteof (petition to call them money-wasters) have to do to get verified round here?

what does a fashionable penguin crime lord have to do to get verified around here?

What does a d logo made of 5 rectangles have to do to get verified around here?

Apr 17, 2022, 9:48 PM
14 1 6
Apr 19, 2022, 4:41 PM
5 2 0

Ok I actually love vscode now. Just let me install the sf symbols extension and the run button extension and it’ll be perfect

Imagine if they remade wordpress using svelte or nuxt 🤩

Php is no, python is eh, node is yes.

Developing with Wordpress is a pain. Someone tell my why half the internet uses this obselete PHP monstrosity. And why businesses have to use it, still.

Anyone have any suggestions for extensions and stuff to get?

Today I got vscode for the first time. Before I did all my coding on replit. I love it so far

Today I got vscode for the first time. Before I did all my coding on replit. I love it so far