
some cool phrase

Nighty Morning, Feb 19

This is not a good nighty morning

Nighty Morning Feb. 18

Just got the oyhr bzrtn xrl (rot13) in https://lawatson.itch.io/i-wanna-lockpick

I keep forgetting to add headers

this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever made and that’s saying a lot


what if ham was spelled like damn

Feb 17, 2024, 3:36 PM
4 0 0

Stealing from my past self once again

(glass chewing sounds)

Feb 16, 2024, 4:36 AM
4 0 1

Nighty Morning, Feb 16

I Wanna Lockpick Part 2 is fun :D


Nighty Morning, February 15

Zombie nighty vampire morningzilla

Infinite Craft: The Sequel

I have somehow discovered Zombie Jesus Vampire Godzilla Princess

Infinite Craft

Value + Universe = Life, but Value + Multiverse = Bitcoin

Feb 14, 2024, 10:28 AM
3 1 1

I didn’t think of repost chains when I decided on this header thing

have a good day

have fun

fun: have

fun fact: I have

fun fact: i have never

Infinite Craft

Value + Universe = Life, but Value + Multiverse = Bitcoin

Feb 14, 2024, 10:28 AM
3 1 1

It’s Funny Because It’s The Year

Old Wikipedia edits

Shout out to this guy from 2007 https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=165295665&oldid=164878375&title=Beach_ball

I don’t know what motivated you to do that but good luck on convincing the world that beach balls are heavy

Feb 14, 2024, 4:44 AM
8 2 3

Geometry Dash Level Idea

Combine Geometrical Dominator and Dash to form Geometrical Dash

Enigmatic something last word on each line

Read each last word, going from the bottom up.

Or not, if you fall for something this obvious, that's on you.

There's no way the count resets because of this, if it does I have no advice to give.

Instead I'm just going to laugh about it, I'm actually gonna.

But seriously, it'll never happen, I say, NEVER.

(context: this was on a thread where the count resets if someone gets rickrolled)

A random sentence to help the next 17 hours and probably more because of how time and school works

Of course it’s impossible, I’ve already done it!

A Post about Formatting

I’m starting to like headers I’m going to put them in every post I make from now on