
some cool phrase

Discord Username Suggestions


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Hot take: Paper towels > blowdryers (in a bathroom)

Feb 25, 2024, 10:34 PM
3 0 0

Quote from my past self

Fine I'll hide a message in the post

Uh @luigispizza

Can I use your idea of what to hide

Kindly let me use it I can't think of anything

Can I swear here and make sexual jokes? I mean the rules don’t touch the subject…

Feb 22, 2024, 11:38 PM
4 1 1

Minor nitpick about the repost chain thing

I’m still doubting the motivation was mainly to make the longest post chain, this would be perfect on the TBG Forums, it would definitely get at least 25 posts before falling into the second page and becoming forgotten. It was definitely part of it, but I think the TBG aspect of it was the primary thing here. Or maybe I have a very low standard of what fun is, who knows.

Nyan Cat Reminder

You know what I’m making it a personal rule to remind as many people as possible that nyan cat exists whenever I am reminded of it


To anyone making a wasteof client

If you’re making a wasteof client, add this and I will start using it immediately:


If you add a post to this list, the post, reposts of the post, reposts of those reposts, etc. will be collapsed, only showing the users in the repost chain. This is obviously useful for repost chains that annoy you (even though I’m pro-repost chains there are definitely ones that don’t deserve to exist), but it’s also useful discussions that you just want to be done with, and 5 people reposting the same thing that you don’t care about.

This would solve the only problem I have with wasteof.

Feb 22, 2024, 1:23 AM
7 1 1

My NEW thoughts on discussions on wasteof

Now that I’m actually in one, I can see what I forgot to mention, which is two things:

  • The repetition. I joked about it a bit in my post joking about imadeanaccount’s definition of “constructiveness”. My definition is anything that adds on to any form of communication, whether a discussion, a joke, a game in the case of the TBGs. Repetition in a discussion isn’t constructive. It doesn’t even have to be the same user, I remember seeing a few users back then who blatantly just went with whatever their favorite “side” said. Even the side I was on did this and I hated every second of it. This is much better but still present in recent times (for one, I don’t see the favorite side thing anymore, separate people are seperate people again :D)

  • The sheer amount of posts. This is only made worse by the repetition. Going back to the favorite “side” thing, you can imagine what it’s like for the same 3 people to say the same thing, and then repost each other’s post saying the thing in agreement. I’m glad that’s over. But even still, the posts are way too much. Repost chains are one thing, but they usually contain short amounts of text. Discussions have to actually mean something (or, for some people, at least look like they do). And that’s why I favor comments for actual substantial discussion over reposts.

My thoughts on discussions on wasteof

For this one I decided the wasteof formatting would be too restrictive for how I wanted to convey things here, so I put the thing here instead:


I forgot that TBG links do weird things, so you’ll have to open it twice for it to work properly

Feb 13, 2024, 9:33 AM
5 1 7

List of things that aren’t constructive

You know what, since I’ve made a post specifically targeting dert, why not dean too?

  • Singular posts (an isolated thought isn’t a conversation)

  • Empty reposts (the tiktok guy pointing his finger at the video isn’t a conversation)

  • Actually, just support without nuance in general (the child saying “support” with no further discussion in the Suggestions thread might be a conversation technically but it definitely isn’t constructive)

  • Making several reposts saying things that you have already said in comments (do I need to explain this one)

And this time I won’t forget that pinging exists! @imadeanaccount

“Annoying to scroll past”

Ah, the irony of people saying repost chains are annoying to scroll past and then reposting others’ posts (which themselves are long and reposts of other long posts) to disagree with them instead of commenting.

Feb 21, 2024, 10:50 PM
4 2 1

don’t do that, but making new chains from posts telling you not to do that is fine

it makes it more annoying. so don’t do that

try not to fork the chain pls. it makes it more annoying

edit: if you’re confused, the original post said this:

hey guys repost chain this time copy the last sentence and add another one to continue it (if that makes sense)

try not to fork the chain pls

Feb 21, 2024, 9:51 PM
6 1 0

yeah sure

yeah sure

i reposted the wrong post

no suren’t

Feb 21, 2024, 7:27 AM
4 0 0

Nighty morning, Feb 21

This nighty morning is probably going to be fine

Also I remembered the sentence “Of course it’s impossible, I’ve already done it” again


This is fake, I wouldn’t leave the fridge door open (the nonexistent cat would get into the fridge)

Me at 3AM watching you eat Chredded Sheese out of the bag with the fridge door open