
The greatest rapper/filmmaker/creator ever

New music video “Joshua Tree” on YouTube now:


Check it out!

At 4:45 this morning, I set out on a 40-minute uphill hike to capture a timelapse of the sunrise

I’m grateful for my new DP, Niko, who is more so acting as a director.

His initiative and ideas are taking a massive weight off my shoulders, and this project will turn out all the better for having him.

Exciting ONSET Updates:

Finished writing the lyrics in the morning’s wee hours. Are they perfect? No. But nothing is, and they’re good enough for what they are.

Recording took the whole day. When I record without a hype crew in the studio, it’s hard for me to feel good enough about any take to move on. My throat is sore.

My director of photography backed out. I mentioned this to a friend, who gave me the contact of a videographer they knew. We scheduled a meeting, after which I have a new director of photography, who I am amped to work with.

Now check out my beautiful mic shelter:

Stay tuned for ONSET

I leave Bulgaria one week from tomorrow.

Before then, I must produce the song “Onset” and its accompanying music video.

The schedule, as of now:

  • FRIDAY (today) — Finish writing

  • SATURDAY — Record the song, and ship for mix & master | Location scouting

  • SUNDAY — Get shots at sunrise (solo endeavor) | Location scouting

  • MONDAY — Finalize shooting schedule | Acquire camera equipment

  • TUESDAY — Shoot the bulk of the video (ideally with the song engineered)

  • WEDNESDAY — Edit (or shoot, in case we’re rained out on Tuesday)

  • THURSDAY — Edit

  • FRIDAY — Edit

  • SATURDAY — Publish (and leave Bulgaria)

It’s go time

Friendly yet firm reminder to go do that thing you know you should be doing

To clarify, the guilt I feel isn’t for not doing the project, but for having never hinted so to my professor. She’s gonna be disappointed, but if I could go back in time four months, the project still ain’t getting done. If the project was due two weeks from now, I still wouldn’t do it. I gotta get a rap music video out before I leave Bulgaria in two weeks. Priorities.

Also relevant is that I’m dropping out after this semester. I don’t think she knows that.

I feel a twinge of guilt every time my Python professor smiles at me, thinking I’m a model student when in reality I’m gonna fail the class because I’ve been cooking other shit and never got around to the mandatory course project that’s due tomorrow.

Had to be done

I feel a twinge of guilt every time my Python professor smiles at me, thinking I’m a model student when in reality I’m gonna fail the class because I’ve been cooking other shit and never got around to the mandatory course project that’s due tomorrow.

Had to be done

Another one of my friendship bracelets fell off.

Three remain

Permit not passivity to suppress potential.

Embrace discomfort. Reject the stencil.

You know when you would’ve sworn you couldn’t do something, but then the challenge substantially presents itself, and you think “But am I a bitch, though?” and CRUSH THAT SHIT?

Limits are an illusion.

Approached a stranger in the cafeteria earlier. We talked for like an hour.

Talking to strangers is wonderful. I need to teach that to my subconscious.

My hair is ~4 months overdue for a cut and is getting annoyingly long.

But I’m strongly considering being a super saiyan for Halloween.

Opportunity cost is everywhere.

I’ve begun building a personal website, for which I secured the domain cassidy.cash.

I called my dad last night, and we discussed this. He questioned the domain name asking “Not cashcassidy.com?” I told him it was unavailable (which it is, surprisingly, as I’m convinced that I’m the only Cash Cassidy), and he told me he knew because he parked the domain a year or two ago, anticipating that I’d want it at some point.

Smart guy.

Finally making my way to Plovdiv this weekend

I vow to use the new environment to inspire much great writing