
that beta test badge has been here almost as long as i've been using wasteof....

i’m a person that does things like drawing comics, writing code, and also tons of other things that i’d hit the character limit if i tried to explain.



Jan 24, 2022, 6:09 PM
2 0 1


i really don’t like tone indicators

i was in a discord server, and this one user was using them

and i didn’t know what they meant (they were numbers enclosed in curly brackets)

so i asked what they meant

and this person got really angry, telling me “you aren’t even paying attention” and “let people clarify what they mean”

like, dude (the person was he/him), calm down, i don’t know what “{23}” means, please just tell me so i can understand what your saying

Aug 11, 2022, 4:08 AM
7 0 8

i don’t know why

but the web host i’m running my website on is complaining about a “chat script” on my website, which apparently violates their tos

however, there is no “chat script” on my website

in the email they keep sending me, they link to a blog post i made which contains a snippet of an irc conversation and repeatedly asking me to remove the "chat” despite there not being one

i keep trying to explain it to them, but they seem to ignore me and continue to complain about the irc snippet


so can html/javascript pros help me here with something (for something i’m working on)

i have a part of a webpage that i want to replace when a condition is met

i already have the if-statement, but when i use methods to replace the innerHTML, it doesn’t work

so uhh how do i replace a multiline html element with multiline html?

(sorry if this post is confusing)

the moment when you perfectly skip a sponsorship segment on a youtube video

I’m getting a new computer to replace my current 2013 one soon…yay!

i just saw an ad that went through the same ad but from 19-something-something to 2022

it was torture 6 times over

(images are the same post opened on normal ocular and ocular-rewritten, and attempting to connect to scratchdb)

scratchDB somehow broke, so ocular got nerve-punched


i need to touch grass

how do you touch grass

Yeah, I think they were sued sometime in 1998 by the US government for bundling Internet Explorer with Windows 98, and because many people just used IE, they were practically making it harder for competitors to get ground.

Microsoft seems to be hurling towards another lawsuit at record speed with Edge and their practices to make it harder to switch from Edge.

Didn’t they already get sued over something like this with ie?

Of course they wouldn’t. They’re adding features that would make people think that other browsers are “bad” and use Edge instead (which you shouldn’t, Firefox is way better).

In all seriousness, they’re trying to be competitive by getting themselves good PR.

But is it just me, or is Edge trying to be something other than it is? A downloader for an honestly better browser? Seeming on how Microsoft made it so damn hard to set another browser as the default on Windows 11 (seems sorta anti-competitive, don’t ya think?), I think so.

Aug 4, 2022, 8:23 PM
3 0 0

Of course they wouldn’t. They’re adding features that would make people think that other browsers are “bad” and use Edge instead (which you shouldn’t, Firefox is way better).

In all seriousness, they’re trying to be competitive by getting themselves good PR.

But is it just me, or is Edge trying to be something other than it is? A downloader for an honestly better browser? Seeming on how Microsoft made it so damn hard to set another browser as the default on Windows 11 (seems sorta anti-competitive, don’t ya think?), I think so.