did you stop using wasteof?

Response to your question:

Systems run without an OS layer if NEUROS crashes, NEUROS’ actual function is mostly visualization and organization of my mind, so a crash isn’t fatal (obviously), but it usually means that something is going very wrong and I need to fix it or reset (via sleep/distraction)

NEUROS mainly manages internal operations too, and it’s pretty well sandboxes from external operations, so

  1. External stimulus can easily go to NEUROS, but NEUROS needs to make very deliberate requests in order to do anything externally (most of the time)

  2. Even when NEUROS is damaged or offline external operations can work mostly fine

I have so much brain lore I could talk about, probably too much lmao

If you need to contact me, do so on my Scratch profile. I have SA and will be notified faster than I would be on wasteof. (fyi I am currently on shellfish)

why did you delete your post?

Showerthoughtsbot post

make an account called @theglasspenguin to save it before someone (me) snipes it

(or before I do) /j

thank you for making my follower count 40!!! 😊

just found ya on scratch, i’m the guy that said “wait you lifer in the seaatle???!?11!?“

ok, well, hello

deleted comment?

i accidentally made a comment on your post so i deleted said comment

Are you dhuls

hello, your a forum helper, aren’t you?

i just saw you on the explore page when clicking show more

I’m pretty sure your site might be broken, clicking any buttons does nothing, sometimes they’ll do something but nothing changes.

I think it might have something to do with the recent WordPress update, I’ve tried disabling all my plugins, so I might have to do a rollback and see how that goes-

Wait glass penguin? Where’s stained and tinted glass penguin?