
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

“WE LOVE prescribed DRUGS! (taken responsibly)“ -James Rallison

insert controversial joke relating to june

This is a post. You can like it, repost it, or comment on it, or you can just scroll down and move on to another post. Or you can report it. Nobody’s really enforcing that you do anything after seeing this post, however. Whichever path you take from here is up to you. The choice is yours. Choose wisely, traveler.

May 31, 2024, 12:25 AM
16 2 7

on a semi-related note, i find that often, when reposting one of my such posts, people tend to put the arabic numeral in a parenthetical, instead of spelling the number out, and following it with an arabic numeral in a parenthetical

fun fact: i meant to post this as a repost to another post, but did not

fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheeses yesterday and today

fun fact: i meant to post this as a repost to another post, but did not

fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheeses yesterday and today

fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheeses yesterday and today

“there’s more than one way to boil a can of beans“ -Mark Rober

fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheeses between the dates of may 21st and may 26th, how many grilled cheese i eat today remains to be seen

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

i remember hearing that sometimes C is used in place of 4⁄4, and ¢ in place of 2⁄4 in time signatures, but i also remember hearing there were others, does anyone know about this?

May 25, 2024, 11:31 PM
2 0 9
We therefore advocate a revolution against the grain, but it’s designed in such a short cut along the way!

the cabbage merchant from avatar the last airbender is such a real one

Thank you guys for the support on my new song <3


I like thunderstorms

remember kids: most people quit right before they would’ve hit it big! /j

sometimes I wonder if I should take up gambling

sure it might seem like a waste of money, but what if it works 😳

i keep forgetting that “angel food cake“ is meant to mean “cake characterized by similarity of angels’ food” and not “foodcake characterized by angelicism“