
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

Someone just mentioned it on darflen

You know what I’m making it a personal rule to remind as many people as possible that nyan cat exists whenever I am reminded of it


fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheeses yesterday

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

i feel like “zinger“ and “freaky“ are the two new brainrot phrases at my school

fun fact: i have eaten zero (0) grilled cheese in the past two (2) days

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese


I accidentally came up with this on the TBGs and I have no idea what to do with this so here the wasteof community can have it

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the brook

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Who let this guy cook?

i ask myself this every day

how in the world is it already the end of the week

“i guess you could call me the mr beast of youtube“

the parents who are always yapping about “parents’ rights“ and “protecting our children“ are almost always also the ones that think children don’t or shouldn’t have free will

there needs to be a wasteof faq page. i see too many new users who join and then ask to be verified, not realizing that’s not how the process works.

fun fact: i ahve eaten zero (0) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

It's Owen here, and I want to, then let’s argue about something naturally-occurring, the more we make and reply to comments so I can remember without straining my brain isn’t powerful enough to generate tons of studios and a mug just like in the foreground like astronomical eyes are not the case for the flower. - I'm not scared of people in this recently released infrared image from one galaxy can rip the other team’s coach


As you all have no legs to be joining this platform!