
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

first follower?????/??/?????!!!! @​sergiodoesmemes

Problem: Joining MIDI files

Solution: Create an entire SAR arc surrounding more common place, technology made it worse.

every day is a miracle

connect back with the people; and all the people you miss

i think i may have just figured out “+ + + – –. – – + + + + +!” being “sometimes life gie you lemons. make lemonade!”.

+ + + is something very good, (life) turning into something bad (– –), lemons. and then the lemons turn into lemonade (+ + + + +), except this means lemonade is better than life, which is probably not true.^[citation needed]


shrek 14 is coming out soon

chat what the frick is color bass

why do i have a sudden obsession with color bass

chat let’s do something silly

if 12 people like this post i will sing a christmas carol on halloween

like, a zillion

If your parent’s social security number was your age, how old would you be?

Aug 26, 2024, 9:56 PM
8 5 9

it’s probably because other people, not just myself, aren’t commenting on it because the digits in 531 each go down by two, but i would expect people who take note of that wouldn’t be that much of a majority

why do i keep seeing shorts with exactly 531 comments

Sep 1, 2024, 2:07 AM
2 0 0

why do i keep seeing shorts with exactly 531 comments

repost this post for absolutely no reason

who here remembers OMFG Helo

Aug 31, 2024, 1:01 PM
2 0 0

how long until the next election?

ain’t no way

no way we got gta5 before gta6

resisting the urge to weest out all the lyrics of the song that's been stuck in your head for hours isn't hard but also no fun