nesciō sī sum locūtus iam hoc, sed sum discendum latīnō. (sī aberrābam, dīce mē (sī vis))
translation (i think): idk if i’ve said this already, but i am learning latin (if i make a mistake, please tell me)
my school’s vice principal was telling @expiredmilk1234 to stop making „deez nuts“ jokes during lunch in response to which i started fake screaming. she asked me why, and i said „i disagree with you violently“, to which she responded that she runs the school and i don’t, but
1 i didn’t say i did and
2 you asked me what i wanted
1: joe
2 (me): joe mama!
3 (@king-of-egg-childs): in your mouth!
my password on a lot of sites is a string of fifteen ascii characters, meanwhile my dad gets mad because disney+ won’t let him have a password that is nine characters long and contains two dictionary words
apparently my school chromebook can properly render the trans flag emoji, and my my other laptop cannot
cw: 1940s’ germany mention, most likely terrible understanding of political theory
(see edit history)
i can’t remember if i’ve said this already but this is a baader-meinhof moment
i can't remember if i've said this already but i'm a plural system
i don't know who i am but i'm not lily
also i might be the only wasteof user who's plural which would be funny
jade harley forgetting that the others aren’t supposed to know she has psychic abilities and panicking is hilarious
i think it’s kind of annoying when people call ionian „major“ and aeolian „minor“ in a context that also concerns the other five diatonic modes
Sniff-a-Snax™, an inovative new brand of candy taken through the nose