
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

2 cups vanilla extract

„as a pure mathematician, it is my inalienable right to do pointless things because they’re fun“ -Henry Segerman

you may have known ðat 100 000 001 is a multiple of 17, but did you know ðat 999 is a multiple of 37?


another day where I am thankful that wasteof is unblocked on my chromebook

wait why did I repost ðis

Let's get this post the most liked post on wasteof

"I'll see you in court."

"I get to see you 😍😍😍?"

I hate it when ðis happens

I watched two videos about monster hunter and now it’s half my YouTube page

ðere’s air in ðe space, duh /j

"If humans can hold their breath for 10 minutes, then how was Louis Armstrong the first man on the moon?"


there’s a corny punchline here i’m not gonna use because then I would become one of the people i’m ridiculing

self-proclaimed “dark humor” enjoyers have a hard time trying to make a joke that isn’t about black people

I just realized it’s Wednesday and not, as I had previously þought, Thursday

Skribbo daph korggle snag “Armadillo” kibbo dorf “Penguin” scrabbo “Crab”!! Bleeble flabbo dorp skobble squig “Minecraft Mob Vote” dibbo borp scrobble shnak!

Skibble “Team Crab” crabble dorf scobble torf kog!! <3

TIL ðe plural of „forum“ is „fora“

I’m told ðat introverts tend to be more observant ðan extroverts, <s> fortunately </s> for me, I tend to only notice þings ðat give me justification to be mad at oðers, and not þings ðat would make me more productive 🤗


hey folks, did you know that it's not actually required to follow the rules? did you know that you can break the norm and go against the grain? don't be a sheep just falling in line with everyone else. be yourself, speak your mind, and make these streets your playground. let's get out there and stir up a storm of rebellion and change - take these streets by storm and show them who's the boss.

i feel like ðe word should be „megalomanic“ instead of „megalomaniacal“