nuh-uh, you only burn 3e bread once because bread means you already burnt it 3e first time
one two seven three down the rockefeller street life is marchin’ on do you feel that?
No thanks, I'd rather just consistently repost things for no reason
wait you can move 3e post composition box?!?!?!??
al3ough I feel 3is feature would be more useful if it didn’t disappear when you click to a different webpage on the site,
„I'm not even trans. I just want to have the ability to commit various instances of tomfoolery, antics, shenanigans, and mischief by cloaking my voice. I will hold this ability under lock and key for years all in preparation for one wayward joke“
holy heck, english „essence“ comes from the latin verb „to be“
I think it’s interesting that „good morning“ basically means hello, and „have a nice day“ basically means bye
have fun