what are the chances that halloween would be on friday the 13th?? that would be really scary!!!


ts13 yadirF

2202 rebotco

they are at 0%

0.001% chance actually

eyo, why is this on weekly it’s over a year old, still, I really hope the 4th of july is on friday the 13th, spooky america day ooooooooooo

o wait I’m dumb it got reposted

omg can we pls have christmas on Friday the 13th also 🥺🤞

just realized that this was on my home page a year late 🤣

is that a hecking @late reference?!?!?!?

ok just did a bit more googling we have to wait until 2025 to get halloween to be on fridy 13

Isn’t it 2023?

read my comment again but slowly

too scary!!!

friday, october 31st 13th

it would be a real bro moment bros

yeah ikr


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