i’m working on something big.. and it’s definitely going to be a little polarizing for a lot of wasteof.money users. but i think it will be awesome..

more details coming soon.


I’m totally okay with the redesign on one condition: DARK MODE!

So, what’s your goal with the rewrite? For the end user, will this be more than a cosmetic change?

this should make the website faster, and more accessible for users without javascript. the cosmetic part is also a pretty big deal (you’ll either love it or hate it.. it’s really different)

Support for non-JS browsing, sweet.

I have to say, the initially empty and “modern” design we have right now has grown on me, and I find the pleasant colors and safe design of the current version more appealing than those of the preview image. If we’re moving away from this look, I would personally like to see a variety of diverse theme options, perhaps including user submissions. That’s just how I feel, though.

(Also, are you ditching the logo? I liked it :c)

you make a good point.. a lot of people have also told me that they like the current style more. I wanted to make something unique but I can see why others find it too wacky..

I appreciate the effort to forge new territory visually. The typewriter font (why?) and black borders are probably my biggest problems with the images posted so far; The GIF of profile organization looked pretty pleasing otherwise, at least from what I could see.

welcome to roblox

Can you at least give us a hint


first one to crack it gets early access

yeah, that’s not happening

Watch it just be a base64 string

lol, jeffalo wouldn’t make it that easy

Yeah I guess not 😂

its a url, rotated x times, bas64’d, rotated x times.

Oh nice, don't have time to figure it out rn but I might later.

what does x equal??

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wait so its rot13 encoded, base64-ified, then rot64 encoded again?


they used rot16, but yeah pretty much

me when wasteof3 with sveltekit

Wait actually? Epic!

Honestly as much as I love Vue, that’d be amazing because Svelte is awesome

I don’t support you until you add caps in usernames

ok floppa

oh wait im still using the extension