
Chick-Fil-A is one of the best restaurants ever and they are also Christian which is great

Chick-Fil-A has a new milkshake called Autumn Spice coming next week!

Sep 10, 2022, 9:28 PM
6 3 36

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their food tastes good

why do we have to read so much meaning into everything??? why can’t we just eat good food without politics and principles taking over

Because we don’t want to pay for our rights to get taken away.

those groups do not have any say in government lmao, how exactly would they take your rights away?

Also bribery.

you’d want to at least have some control over where your money’s going

because when you pay money to chic-fil-a, they donate it to organizations that oppose lgbt rights. these corporations have a lot more influence in the government than you might think.

I don’t think anyone would stay in an abusive family just because their mom made good food, why would we do the same for a restaurant chain

Best analogy here

i’m writing a post that you need to read

i’ll post it soon

mfw gays having rights is politics

i’m writing a post that you need to read

i’ll post it soon

sigh ikr

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