Poll: what’s your favorite programming language? And why?


Python — The simplicity makes it easy to debug, use and manage data with. Really easy-to-learn syntax as well!

python and lua

Lua and javascript

im learning go so ig that for now

python bec i dont wanna think when i program

Python and Lua:

  1. Python - easy to learn, great syntax, incredibly powerful, easily extendable

  2. And Lua - easy syntax, easy to learn, I can make stuff for the Playdate in it.

I’d probably like Lua more if it doesn’t use do and end to enclose code blocks (like, it’s 2022, Pascal “died” a long time ago), and it not being severely limited (lua’s version of regex is severely limited, although %b is cool), but that’s probably because it’s meant to be embeddable and easy to learn so

flixel: underrated + flash lib + ported to windows thanks to haxeflixel


although technically it doesnt really count as a programming language since it’s actually an actionscript library… but im counting it anyways

JS bc it has many use cases and it's easy

same here :) the JS ecosystem is very vibrant and there are a lot of great projects that use it.

agreed with this, although having to type console.log to print sucks a ton

True - sometimes I just write const print = console.log at the beginning of my code so it’s easier.

rust: helpful compiler, most of the features make sense, compiles to wasm without having to wrestle with a bunch of extra bloated tools, lovely ecosystem, nice community, cute mascot

also WAT is fun because it is

also rust has built in support for unit testing, benching, and documentation generation, along with an official linter and formatter

rust because memory safety

Python, we can do a lot of things without messing up with ; and other syntaxes

TS - It has a nice syntax, a variety of use cases and has typing annotations whilst not strictly enforcing them.

I’ve done a bit of TS and enjoyed it! Haven’t used it for any large-scale projects though.

scratch. reason why is that it is easy

Scratch isn't a programming language

yeah it is, just not a very good one

Nope, it isn't. It's something like… an IDE. Several platforms used blocks for longer than Scratch.

you’re thinking of scratch-gui, i’m talking about scratch-vm

I dunno what I should answer.

Scratch is a programming language, you can take it up with wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratch_(programming_language)

Bro Wikipedia isn't THE way of knowledge. The programming language is the blocks, not Scratch itself.

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scratch is technically a programming language but i hate the 9 yr olds that go like “your website is shit bro, check out my super-advanced-epic-notclickbait-easy-to-use-fun scratch project!!!!!!!!!!!” even tho it’s prolly something called “Bus Driving Simulator” :skull: