ok, but if anybody abuses it, it’s gone

edit: never mind… allowing arbitrary audio uploads is hard from a technical and a legal perspective…

@jeffalo I would indeed like to be able to import audio from other sources (plz)

Wasteof needs an audio function. There's no way to get across any nuance with text. I bet there would be way less controversies if I could explain myself with audio.

Jan 12, 2023, 11:38 AM
12 3 31


what if i make tetrahedraupload which is cubeupload but for sound and you allow audio with src that points to it

lol why not.

cool, i will buy a domain


i'd have bought tauon.dev and put it on a subdomain but i might just use no-ip

i don't think i will allow uploads from no-ip though sorry

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what if you only allow me specifically to upload audio

maybe use @micahlt ‘s youtube video downloader code (vesper.micahlindley.com) and convert a youtube link to audio and embed that audio file

instead of saving it locally, make the link hidden in the post and make it reconvert every time it’s viewed.

functionality > speed

You can easily embed just the audio from a YouTube video. I've done it before (I think)

idea: newgrounds embed

So if I try and rickroll people am I abusing?

i did not think about copyright.. that will be an issue.

Oh wait a minute ur right

What about a YouTube video embed? That solves the copyright issue, though it's probably technically harder

I'll try to find a tiptap extension or something

so new feature confirmed?

also define abusing in this instance

most likely inappropriate audio or earrape

Maybe it could be a beta only feature, just to prevent people from abusing it?

due to the wacky current situation i would probably launch it on the whole site rather than just beta. but idk how i would implement it

My theory is that it could probably have some sort of limitation of which users could use it if you're really worrying about it. Otherwise, it should just use audio HTML tags with an external link.

this is going to be epic

so you’re basically saying that the feature will last 1 day and 5 hours

is posting an audio clip of me saying chicken butt everyday considered abusing