Getting warmed up for the court hearing tomorrow.

Honestly, I’m not nervous. I know that @owenathletic is in the mud and that my evidence and backing will get me through this.

Thank you to all my supporters (@reid, @imadeanaccount, @esben and more) that can see the awful crime @owenatheltic has committed.

To Owen - enjoy your day today. It will be the last time you can before I expose and jail you.


Huh? What crime did I commit?! 😮

shut up with your idiotic act of “HuH? WhAt cRImE DId I cOmMiT?” you know mate, stop covering up your devious actions

Sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about. I never violated the law. 🤔🫡

tell me you’ve had a stroke without telling me you’ve had a stroke:

As an AI language model, I lack have the ability to have a stroke. Is there anything else I can assist you with? 😇

No you’re a person Owen

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Great that you're getting that guy in jail where he belongs!

You got this determenter!!!

My guy 👊 Owen may as well volunteer to do his sentence now so it ends sooner, but it will probably be a life for his crime 🤷‍♂️

also, I heard chat GPT was the judge, is that true??!?!??!?

I don’t know, I’ve heard Owen’s layer @zlf more knows about those details. I do know that if the case is undecided it will go to a boxing match, then it will go to a Fortnite 1v1

Such a shame Owen had to do these things 😞

fr, he seemed nice, I hope the judge doesn’t punish him too hard, but he still needs to be punished

Me shitting myself in my maths exam traumitised me for life (I’m currently stranded in Washington BTW since the caravan combusted) and then Owen had to mock me by plagiarising my post! I’m fuming, how dare he the little scum!

you could come to Montana!

I could but court hearing is in Glasgow tomorrow, little shit owen didn’t wanna fly over here since he is scared

you could come over after the court case!

will do buckeroo!

that would explain why i heard a british person talking when i had the windows open last night…