sorry for the downtime! i moved all my servers into my sisters room. she’s going to love it!!!!!

Nov 25, 2023, 8:24 PM
20 1 10


downtime because you’re literally moving the server > > > downtime caused by coding problems

don’t sleep december

actually, constant fan noise would actually help me sleep a little better maybe

what wouldnt though, is the heat

the hundreds of requests would turn the servers into a nice stovetop

Did you like to sleep near a jet engjne or something

The sound of a server fan is not to be taken lightly

the server used to be in the living room where everyone sat. now its just in my sisters room and she’s not here anymore. i modded the server so the fans only run at 10%. which is probably dangerous but whatever yolo

if your sister isnt there, cant you close the door and full send fans to 100% for maximum wasteof performance? 🤔

jeffalo the type of guy to troll his sister by moving the servers into her room

early christmas present 😊

i bet so