pls pls pls I beg interact with this it’ll be fun and significantly less horrible than you think c’mon pleeease

chewing people’s legs is too messy and logistically challenging

time to pace in circles (please do not attempt any sort of violence)

Mar 2, 2024, 1:34 AM
8 2 5

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to your first point, you specifically said you wanted to interact wi3 someöne, but whatever

to answer your question, yes, i do have chips (and you forgot to put a punctuation between „chips“ and „I“ 🤓)

give now (this is a robbery I will bite you if you don’t)




opens the bag and starts eating them in an uncannily human way

oh right

due to 3e text-based medium of 3is conversation, which still somehow has 3e spacial-esque properties of me being able to hand you a bag of chips, i forgot 3at you are not a human at present

yes, hey look over there there’s a giant cube you should go check it out

points at the giant cube that was totally there the entire time

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