Scratch forumers watching as their community, built up over like 7 years, disintegrates in 48 hours from an April Fools joke:


yay users got banned

what counts as being an OG? i used to be really active on there, especially on the advanced topics and bugs and glitches topics back in like 2019 and i want to know if i should be considered an og on there lol

there’s no set definitions, the OGs are really just a community of people

yeah, makes sense


I left the Scratch community a while ago after all of the OGs left and a whole bunch of 6-year-olds joined

Everyone says a bunch of 6 year olds joined, it’s really just the average age (and maturity level) stayed the same but they grew up and got more mature, and now everyone else looks a lot younger and less mature. At least that’s what I think

Exactly. The maturity is what I meant

I saw somebody say something about that on scratch

read my reply to radi8 if you want to know the details

“Just a bit of banter”

I’m not gonna lie this was a really bad thing to do, but it needed to be done someday. Just not as a prank.

what happened?

Basically, a lot of forum users were on a studio called The Forum Helpers. The studio had been around for a while, but it had some big problems with it that generally drove people away (mainly that there’s no real purpose for it, it’s just kind of a hangout but not even that, and the rules made it super hard to fix that). Most of the “original” users left or stopped using it as much because of that.

In The Guild of Scratch Forumers discord server (which I’m in, it’s kind of for the OG forums people), they convinced the host of the studio (who is also in the server) to delete it for an AFD prank. It’s caused a bunch of chaos in the community, and it’s pretty clear (to me at least) that the forums community is not gonna be able to come back from it

Literally everything involving the scratch community takes at least 2 paragraphs to explain

it was taken over by 10 y/os so all the ogs left

I mean that’s true but at the same time a lot of the OGs (like the entire forum server) were still there

I said this in SA but I think some drastic action needed to be taken at some point, because TFH had major problems with it (the over-the-top “democracy” and the general purposelessness of the studio), and they couldn’t be fixed without a complete restart.