only og wasteof users remember when we accidently hacked nasa


i was gone from this website for like a year what did i miss now

i wasn’t able to witness this happening myself, but according to jeffalo, “people discovered an open redirect in wasteof, but it actually was a zero day that affected every NuxtJS website including NASA JPL’s.“

wait can someone explain this. i think i was around for it but i have Forgotten

people discovered an open redirect in wasteof, but it actually was a zero day that affected every NuxtJS website including NASA JPL’s.

no way

must not be og enough to remember 😔

let’s hack the pentagon next :)

pfft, been there done that

Look at all these people who don’t remember. Best day on wasteof ever

HMMMMMMMM… really?

guys i have a very crazy suspicion

this might not be correct

pf- wh- no!! why do you say that?!?!????!

accidentally??? how do you do that?

i hate to say this, but i’m not an og wasteof user, so huh?!

Hey Jeffalo! Did you see my pinned post?

yeah it was stupid

Come on. It’s not that bad.

ok but see my repost of it :3

Yeah, it’s garbage.

hi im og wasteof user

oh my goodness this is actually true when you take into consideration the fact that this user’s username is the word “og” and the post created by jeffalo stating “only og wasteof users remember when we accidently hacked nasa” references ogs and this aforementioned person who is called og is an og and is the og

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