one down. some more and i may come back


Tf is the point of getting users banned? Seems like a pussy move to me...

seems very obvious to me, giant skill issue if you don't know the point of banning

what did dert do wrong???

sexism among other things

I don’t really think that's how that works

what did he say? is what I meant

your reply doesn't make sense in this context

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The point of getting users banned is to punish them by forcing them to not use the website (which actually doesn’t make a lot of sense).

it's so that they don't make any more of the posts that caused them to get banned

Statistically speaking, if we get rid of several users to get one back that's not the best for wo.m

“toxicity good because more users”

I was speaking statistically. Obviously, transphobia ≠ good (I would know) but few people who don’t know you well would want you back on these terms.

the aim isn’t to get me back, it's to finally, after fucking years, clean up the site

Why the “and i may come back” part then?

troll circlejerk banned = better site

better site = i come back

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To be fair, if it would be cleaned up completely, more toxic users would show up later on. That's just how social media works

not denying that, but wouldn't you rather a small amount later, rather than even more later? saves the mods some work

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the one down has been revived

the lily hitlist is real

i almost read that as “the lily hitler is real“

I swear there was a reply that read something like “Me too” before…