Did apple just beat android?


no, apple beat android years ago

downvoted fr

You literally can send messages via satellite WITHOUT CELL SERVICE

Android 15 is getting that..

tmobile has it already but im pretty sure they’re making it generally available (dont quote me on that tho)

True, but not all phones have satellite capability. Even the iPhone 13 Pro Max won’t have satellite messaging

What happened to “95% of this stuff has been here for years”? Did Apple actually make a feature that is better than Android?

I didn't really watch WWDC but I did look at some of the demos. The satellite messaging stuff looks pretty cool, I wasn't saying Google was doing it better.

More satellite stuff is always good, because people get saved from danger all the time by the Apple stuff. So it’s good

Wait can't Android already do this? I had no cell service in the lobby of my hotel, but I was still texting my mom just fine?

No way, even the Apple one requires you to point it directly at a satellite and wait several seconds to send the message. My guess is your phone said it had no service when it actually did.

so true westie

kanye west reference is this real chat

i miss the old esben

chop up the soul esben

Nah, android on top

But the satellite connectivity…

It’s only for emergencies when you have no mobile service (Apple even say on their website a message can take up to 15 seconds to send). Ig it’s cool, but your phone already connects to satellites for GPS :p

How do they determine if it’s an “emergency”

They don’t. But it’ll be painful to use for normal communication due to the delay (it also only supports text, no media). They specifically mention it for situations where you need to urgently send a message or contact emergency services (still can’t call them, but it does something to let emergency services know you need help).