This message is urgent, as it has to do Auri’s plans with wasteof.

To start, Auri plans to make wasteof/America communist on the platform if elected, which can undermine freedom and liberty on this platform. (https://wasteof.money/posts/669fc881bbcf41aae3fef228). Although Auri didn’t promote it directly, the account he endorsed does, & Kiwi even offered to be the VP to make it communist.

But that’s not even the worst of what Auriali has planned. His manifesto has plans to promote destructive policies by forcing Elon Musk to change his company name to Twitter, suppressing his right to freely express himself, changing the White House to the Crack House to sell drugs, dividing & destroying our communities as a result. He also plans to allow tax evasion to be legal, leaving 0 funds for programs like SNAP, Medicare, or Social Security, resulting in millions without retirement, disability, or veterans’ benefits. Not only that, he also plans to make Adobe bankrupt out of hatred for the company. He sent a clear message that if he’s president, wasteof will no longer exist.

But this doesn’t have to happen. We have a candidate that instead wants prosperity, freedom, & unity, while promoting accountability & strengthening our communities.

That candidate is Blaze. With your vote, we can say a loud NO to his horrific policies, because YOUR VOICE MATTERS! As Auriali said, “It’s time to get serious.” Let’s do just that & VOTE BLAZE TODAY and save wasteof!

EDIT: bro it’s a joke lmao

Jul 27, 2024, 6:00 AM
8 4 27


Lol you do realize that the “wasteof president” is just a silly title and this election is just for fun, right?

Like Oren said below, why are you taking things so seriously 🤣

He’s not actually serious about “making tax evasion legal” and “making Elon Musk change X back to Twitter,” we’re all just having good fun. You’re overreacting over something that’s obviously a joke

oh wait whoops mb i saw your edit lmfao

You don’t need to take things so seriously bro

“I love misconstruing and removing nuance from things so they sound scary and bad” -Blaze, probably

I would vote you is elaruu didn’t exist :P

Sounds fun!

Of course you would say that considering you’ve been promoting this since Kiwi posted about being VP (which Kiwi isn’t btw, it’s Perrin)

I just think that the Crack House sounds like a fun place

Auri is a girl

You’re making me want to vote for Auri

Because of renaming X to Twitter and a bunch of silly policies sound so goofy I want to vote for Auri now

You’re right. It does sound goofy. Imagine Auri forced you to change your name to “NoWhiskers” and not “cheesewhisk3rs” and that if you didn’t, you would be banned off of the platform. And you would also be forced to change your profile pic while you’re at it. Get my point?

What are you yapping about

Why would Auriali do that

I don't want you to win and change my name to “BlazeFan2024"

You don’t have to. That’s the point of advocating for FREEDOM. Its the freedom to express yourself anyway you WANT.

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Wait actually if I was forced to change my name to something with capital letters I would that’s rare

so where’s the bad part of these policies?

There isn’t one entire bad part. There are multiple. I’ll give one for now, but the post will tell you the consequences of these policies. One bad part about all of this is if he can make Elon Musk change his company name to whatever he sees fit, limiting his freedom to freely express himself, he can do this to all of us, making us express ourselves in the way he wants to rather than having us choose.

This isn’t freedom. This is slavery, which is a good reason why Blaze winning this election is so important

sorry twitter isn’t slavery imo

No but forcing someone to change their name or company name is.