i don’t want to make this super long since i know i’m not joe biden or anything but

at this point it’s super obvious who’s going to win this election, and it’s not me.

but i’m ok with that! second place is enough for me. and in the grand scheme of things, this whole election thing is just a silly game! i’m super glad i was able to participate. thank you to everyone who voted for me, and thank you to everyone who participated in this election in general!

and congratulations in advance to @auriali and @perrin for winning the election! you guys both really deserve it!

now, comment below for your consolation waffle prize. :)



u could hack the wasteof server, lets fix the election >:)

hmmmm… you’ve got a point there…

maybe next year.

here, have some consolation waffles


The election doesn’t end until midnight tomorrow btw

oh, and here’s some free waffles:


You ran a great campaign and would’ve made for an excellent president. Unfortunate that it had to come down to one of us. Best of luck with your platform, I’m sure we can offer you a cabinet position or something if you want!

thank you, and good luck with your vice presidency-to-be! i’d love a cabinet position! preferably something to do with waffles, hehe

oh, and have some free waffles! i hope they fuel you while you make your vice presidential decisions.


excellent thank you

hopefully these waffles can help jumpstart your presidency-to-be. i threw in some pancakes too!



thank you, i will ensure you get free waffles, pancakes, and french toast if i win as i promised in my manifesto

thank you! :O

here’s your consolation waffles:
