also can you guys fucking stop dogpiling her for no reason. she’s genuinely so nice y’all just fucking annoy her so she retaliates and then you make her look like the instigator and bad guy

this doesn’t happen to her on other social medias, only here. get your collective shit together.

ppl think im a lily alt be fr 😭 like ask any og wasteof user we are very much different people (despite being similar)

22 hours ago
13 1 13


this has to be the most immature argument on both sides

how hard is it to ignore another user, or respond in a polite matter that doesn’t come off as ragebait?

this would be all solved if ppl didnt have to just fuking react bro, like both lily and everyone else (and me) lmao

Tone indicators would fix her

i literally use them LMAO

But when she retaliates with “skill issue” it doesn't make her seem nice

holy shixt when the when the not be nice to me i not be nice back??? explosion head emoji!!

And you called the gen alpha cringe account immature :/

i was being silly

There’s a difference between being silly and being annoying

i’m not being as annoying as the “didn’t ask” guy

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its sort of an endless spiral of people being mean to her and her being mean back

someones gotta stop eventually