guys if you remember any of your dreams (or nightmares) I’m making a collection of dreams (from my friends and myself and everyone) so if you could comment yours then that would help

Sep 30, 2024, 2:01 PM
7 0 12


A golden mummy chasing me through the Walmart sewer system.

Oh trust me you do NOT want to know the last fream i had

I have a journal and PDF file of dreams, spanning several years. I'll package it tomorrow, if I remember.

In my dream last night, one of my friends was thrown into an empty arena and we literally just sat there and took photos 🤣😭

I’m not joking

i dont remember my dreams :(

sometimes that’s good

I had a couple dreams a days ago that GitHub allowed you to unzip zip files in GitHub and somebody opened a zip bomb and GitHub literally exploded No I am not joking

I remember my nightmares more than my dreams because they’re traumatising

well i’ll take both

So the latest recurring nightmare I have is about cutting up a dead body