
i write code and build electronics badly

yay funny about me post for adhd man

My name is Nolan


Me am like to code (https://github.com/3xiondev/)

Electronics hobbyist

Arteest (deviantart.com/3xionDeviant/)

Graffic design or whatever it’s called

Men and women are both as attractive as each other, at least to me

For any questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. No, I’m not joking, this is my real email.

Website: https://3xiondev.vercel.app/ (i’m broke okay i can’t afford 3xion.dev)

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/3xiondev/ (Moved from https://scratch.mit.edu/users/---Necro---/)

Atheist but I won’t push it in your face if you don’t push religion in mine

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 AM
0 0 4

oh shit you can program the TI-83 Plus calculators that my math teacher uses

shit boutta get interesting

shoutout to 9 year old me who wrote some of the worst formatted javascript i’ve ever seen (I didn’t know what a callback was)

i’m bored, what should I design? preferably a mechanical design like a centrifugal fan, engine block model, water pump, etc

hoooooly shit, I managed to finish with a B in English. a couple days ago I had a C-, and if I finished with a C then I wouldn’t be able to go to the magnet school I was accepted to

rate centrifugal fan design

untrue, i’m good at math and bad at programming

i find it funny how people say you need to be good at math for cs/programming. learning to program (functions & variables) actually helped me understand math better

yall excited for the eclipse?

time to sit down and write some badly formatted code for several hours just to make a game prototype that would’ve taken a real programmer like thirty minutes to make

I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ frogs gay

wasteof.money is just twitter for smart, based people

not everything is so deep that you need to start a comment war about it

just sayin

me going to sleep on Sunday night knowing damn well that the assignment I didn’t do will completely ruin my life:

should I do a science fact of the day thing or smth like that

did you know there are fifteen decillion three hundred sixty-eight nonillion eight hundred thirty-four octillion one hundred fifty septillion calories in the solar system

in other words, 15368834160000000000000000000000000 calories

just saying


Something happened IRL and I wanted to take a break from the Internet to clam myself down but honestly this is something I have to share with you guys.

Ratio is no longer with us and that ratio committed suicide. Ratio was someone that made me feel like I am worth being in this world and she helped me follow my dreams and to even help accomplish them. Even when ratio was not in her best mood she was still there for me and others and the impact she had will not be forgotten. The legacy she had on this site is something many will not forget and we will all know that her legacy will still live on even after her passing. We will all remember the impact ratio has made to this site knowing that her and many others helped change this site to what it is today. Many will know her as ratio but I will remember her as my big sister that was there for me and was the most caring person a person can ask for. May she rest in peace knowing she is in a better place now. I will miss her a lot but will always love her from my heart.

Ratio ❤ 2006-2024