
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 village idiot



vvvvvvvvvvvv like nad subcir

as an atheist there is nobody i respect more than Christians who don’t go forcing their lifestyle on everyone else

this is so sad alexa play despacito

where were you wen club penguin die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

“Club penguin is kil”


wtf guys, i cant believe beethoven is died, im crying rn

for every like i get i will do literally nothing (i just want fake internet points)

pe jeans joe tylenol

word of the day: Jonathan

me sitting at 895 followers waiting for people to follow me so i can share my 900 followers project watching multiple people unfollow

ok finding a needle in a haystack is hard but have you ever tried to find an 8×6-millimeter radioactive cesium-137 capsule along a 1700-kilometer stretch of rural west Australian highway?

I just got 1k views on a YouTube short and I know it isn't much but I'm happy nonetheless

guys y’all cannot say america’s gun laws are too restrictive we’vve had more mass shootings than days in the year so far

Ok so kids in my school are notorious for sharing answers to tests and we have midterms right now

Our hardest class is biology and everyone was studying like crazy. Someone in the first group to take the test (since we’re on a block schedule) leaked the open-ended questions to the rest of the grade so everyone knew it. After like 2 classes doing this the teacher caught on even though we had a sub and she was out sick and CHANGED THE QUESTION on the test. Keep in mind the normal multiple-choice questions were 1 point each and the open-ended ones were 15 each. She changed ONLY THAT ONE QUESTION and now everyone is losing their minds because my madlad teacher changed the test so she can catch all of the cheaters


remove (it encourages)

remove wasteof.money (it encourages using the internet)

remove posts (they encourage you to post bad takes)

remove likes (they encourage biased behavior)

remove comments (they encourage arguing)

remove profiles (they encourage offsite communication in bios)

Remove posts (They encourage bad posts)

remove reposts (it encourages repost chains)

Jan 27, 2023, 1:38 PM
4 1 0

i remember when i posted stuff like this (definitely not anymore)