
Teamwork for the win! You go first

Have I lost all of visible personality yet

No honey the dark brandon t shirt stays on during sex

why do we have to say the pledge of allegiance at school? the teachers are like “well don’t you love this country???“ no i fucking dont. america is terrible. like, we did … stuff that im probably not able to discuss on wasteof. so just dont force us to say the pledge of allegiance, its dumb.

Apr 25, 2023, 2:35 PM
9 2 11

L take + not dertermenter

food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.

Apr 18, 2023, 5:18 PM
7 5 0


MatPat is asking the important questions…


I discovered a glitch in the current Nintendo Switch build of Rain World that lets you instantly crash the game. If you try to use Passage to return to an area that you have never saved in, the game just crashes.

Addendum 106.1

On February 18th, 2020, SCP-106 was heard making vocalisations from within containment. It has been estimated that these vocalisations began at 00:00 UTC and ended at 03:12 UTC. Personnel assigned to SCP-106 during debriefing described the vocalisations as singing. The following transcript was created based off of these descriptions:

The British tried to rule Asantewaa’s kingdom / Take the Golden Stool / An example of imperialism / Yaa said, “No sir!” / She stirred up a war / Preparations did occur / Freedom did Asantewaa prefer / War of the Golden Stool, of the Golden Stool / War of the Golden Stool, of the Golden Stool / Asante’s troops laid siege / To the mission at Kumasi / The British brought artillery / Captured Asantewaa, sadness nationwide / The legacy was fulfilled / The country de facto freed / The English rule was ignored Ashanti were a kingdom once more

It is not yet understood what the cause of these vocalisations from SCP-106 originate from, nor the purpose of these vocalisations.

Apr 21, 2023, 7:11 PM
9 1 0
I'd be better off dead. Look at me.


behold, double italics taken to its extremes

̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑫̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑶̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑩̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑩̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑶̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑫̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑫̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑶̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑩̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑻̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑨̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑪̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑺̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑫̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑪̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑷̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑵̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑫̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑹̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑵̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑻̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑹̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑷̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑺̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑻̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑹̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑲̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑻̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑯̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑹̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑶̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑮̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑯̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑺̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑿̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑻̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑼̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑷̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑶̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑽̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑹̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑳̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑰̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑵̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞𝑬̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞ ̵̶̠̱̲̳͇̄̅̿͟͞

Apr 21, 2023, 12:11 PM
8 1 3

Is that the one that exploded

Starship, the worlds largest rocket, launched today

can we get everyone to spread this post i think this game is ridiculously funny for some reason

Pizza Hut

Five guys has to be the best burger place ever. No competition.


found the worst startup branding.. DeliciousAI —> “Unlock your creativity with the only AI app that lets you turn pets into art”
