
"so instead of sending flowers, we the roses"

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

For every like this post gets, I will add 20 seconds to a plank

eg if this gets 3 likes the plank will be 1 minute long, 5 likes would be 1m 40seconds etc

Any Burger King item is worse than a competitors item.

Remove food, it encourages obesity

remove (it encourages)

remove wasteof.money (it encourages using the internet)

remove posts (they encourage you to post bad takes)

remove likes (they encourage biased behavior)

remove comments (they encourage arguing)

remove profiles (they encourage offsite communication in bios)

Remove posts (They encourage bad posts)

remove reposts (it encourages repost chains)

@jeffalo , that stream changed my life. The emotion and hype on the way made that stream worthwhile and has changed me as a person, as a man. Thank you for that life changing stream.

How does the trending posts by week work?

Portalpower’s “every masterpiece has a cheap copy” meme has been on the week one for 11 days when it’s gone past a week ages ago now

I wonder how much life we’ve all wasted from unskippable ads.

There is barely any evidence in the case. They are literally trying to dig up on him but there really isn’t much to find.

I’m not supporting him saying this but there is no denying that there is minimal evidence and that he has been treated unfairly, by the judge and by the media. You are innocent until proven guilty.

Do you want to be rich


So what is your plan to get rich?

No answer

Most rich people had a plan. This person does not.

That is the difference between a dreamer and a doer.

I don’t know if this has been said before but the waffle house has found its new host

Breaking out of your schedule because you are not motivated is not an excuse. 

You don’t need to be motivated to follow a schedule. You need to be disciplined. 

Motivated people do stuff only when they want to.

Disciplined people do stuff when they should do it because they have to. 

A disciplined person has a better mentality than a motivated person due to this and is thus more likely to go further in life.

Jan 18, 2023, 3:45 PM
3 0 7

I believe that a strong body can contribute heavily to a healthy mind and if anyone isn’t 100% happy with their current physique, then put in the shift and get in the physique you want to be in.

Work hard and most importantly be disciplined. Put in the work even if you don’t want to one day.

Grind now, glory later.

People should stop complaining that sports players earn too much, the clubs are a business and give them that much as they make that much, though the fans who watch the players.

They earn that much money because they make a lot for the business. Simple

Thoughts on American cheese?

I don’t mind it, nice on a burger but a lot seem to hate it.

Wasteof really needs to have polls, it would be a very useful feature that practically every other social media has.