
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

Have It

Q: If you know it, you have it. If you dont know it, you dont have it.

A: A secret

Try Me

Q: What bug is a D after you C it?

A: B explanation- a b c d the b is d after c.

Blood Thirsty

Q: Ripped from my mother's womb, Beaten and burned, I become a blood-thirsty slayer, What am I?

A: Iron ore.

M Eat B

Q: i start with a B and end in a A monkeys eat me and i am yellow what am i

A: B.A.N.A.N.A

Just Another Riddle

Q: I start with an E and end with an E and only have one letter. What am I?

A: An Envelope

Survival Skills

Q: You are stranded in a cabin with one match. There are an oil lamp, a fireplace and a furnace. which do you light first.

A: The match


Q: There is a house. Now at the top it slants north and south. A roster comes by and lays an egg which way will the egg roll

A: Rosters dont lay eggs

The Headless Man

Q: A headless man had a letter to write; It was read by a man who had lost his sight. The dumb repeated it word for word; And deaf was he who listened and heard. Solve this riddle.

A: The letter in question is the letter "O". It is zero. The man had nothing to write. The blind could read nothing. The person who was dumb could repeat nothing. The deaf man listened and heard nothing.

Mouth Tastes Them

Q: The sun bakes them, the hand breaks them, the foot treads on them, and the mouth tastes them. What are they?

A: Grapes.

Cold Steel Blade

Q: My first is in wield, sever bones and marrow. My second is in blade, forged in cold steel. My third is in arbalest, and also in arrows. My fourth is in power, plunged through a shield. My fifth is in honour, and also in vows My last will put an end to it all. What am I?

A: A weapon!


Q: A man is 20 years old but has only had 5 birthdays. How is that possible?

A: He was born febuary 29th.

Words Of Men

Q: It holds the words of men, and catches thier idea's and doubts. It speaks though a line and hears through a hole, but never in it's own, talks

A: A Phone

What Driver?

Q: what driver can never get a license?

A: a screwdriver

The Glass Of Water

Q: A women walks into the restaurant and asks for a glass of water. The man behind the counter says "okay," pulls out a gun and aims it at her. The women is very pleased says "thank you," turns and walks out. Why was the women thankful the man pulled a gun on her?

A: The women had the hiccups and the gun (which was fake) scared her and got rid of the hiccuos.

Shy Little Guy

Q: Who is it that rows quickly with four oars but never comes out from under his own roof?

A: A Turtle.