
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

Traffic Light

Q: what did the traffic light say to the car?

A: don't look!i'm changing!

What Happened?

Q: The music stopped, so she died.

A: She was a blind tight-rope walker. The music was guiding her to the other side of the rope. It was supposed to stop when she got to the other side, but the music stopped too soon. She thought it was time to get off, and she fell to her death.

All Around The World

Q: What travels all around the world, but stays in a corner?

A: A stamp


Q: how would you make 30 cents with two coins if one of the coins was not a nickel

A: a quarter and a nickel because one coin isnt a nickel just the other one is.

Robbers Bath

Q: Why did the robber take a bath?

A: He wanted to make a clean get away!


Q: A man was born in 1918 and today is his 18th birthday. How is that possible?

A: 1918 is the room he was born in not the year

Green House

Q: So, there's a one story house, and everything is green, the walls, the floors, the furniture, everything. What color are the stairs?

A: There's no stairs. It's a one story house.

The Rap Game

Q: I'm something you eat,i'm also money.You find me rapping in your couch.What am I?

A: I'm eminem and 50 cent


Q: the electric train was going from east to west and the wind was going north to south. Which way was the smoke going?

A: it had no smoke because it was electric

Slow But Strong

Q: I am one of the slowest creatures on earth but if a crocodile attacks it may not kill me be cause of my protective amour.what am I.

A: A turtle


Q: You go and see two roads:one way to heaven and one way to heck. You see two men guarding there. One always tells the truth, and the other always lies, so if you ask who always tells the truth, they'll both say,"Me!" However, they know who always tells the truth and who always lies. You can only ask one question to both of them, and you can't guess. How can you figure out which way is heaven?

A: You aak both men,"What would the other person say if I asked which way is heaven?" Now let's call the truthteller ManA and the liar ManB. Now ManA knows that ManB will lie, and he also knows he'll point to heck(because he lies), so he'll point to heck. ManB knows that ManA will tell the truth, and he also knows that he'll point to heaven(because he tells the truth). However ManB always lies, so he'll point the other way, which is heck. Then you know the other way is heaven.

How Many

Q: There are 3 drinks 1 is dr. pepper,Mountain Dew,and a Dr.pepper u taste all drinks how many drinks did u taste

A: 2 there were to dr.peppers and 1 mountain dew

Days Of The Week

Q: A cowboy rides into town on a horse on sunday, he leaves 3 days later on Friday.how is this possible?

A: the horses name is Friday

The River

Q: their isa cat, a dog, and a mouse. you need to get them across the river. you cant leave the cat and thje dog alone or the mouse and the cat alone. your boat can only carry one animal. how do you get them across?

A: you take the cat over. then you take the dog over and bring back the cat. then you take the mouse over. then go back to get the cat DONE

Naked Man In A Field

Q: There is a naked man lying, dead, in a completely empty field with nothing around him, nothing to trip over, and nothing to harm him in anyway. All he is in contact with is a piece of straw in his hand. How did he die?

A: He was in a hot air balloon with his friends, and the balloon was rapidly falling. So his friends dropped the sandbags to lose some weight, but it was still falling too fast. They decided the only other way to lose weight was to throw their clothes over, which explains the man's nudity. Howvever, when they realized they were still falling, they drew straws out of the basket of the hot air balloon and the man with the short straw was pushed over.