Why did you add a feature to wasteof.money and then remove it almost immediately? I’m referring to the colours on profiles

how do i make a bot monitor for comments on the wall

Hi Jeffalo! I am currently testing a wasteof.money post creator with Node.js. Here is the source code:

import ky from "ky";

const token =

onst post = `bing bong`;
const response = await ky
  .post("https://api.wasteof.money/posts/", {
    headers: {
      Authorization: token,
    json: {
      post: `<p>${post}</p>`,
      repost: null,

const id = response.id;
console.log(`Post is live at https://wasteof.money/posts/${id}`);

This should make a post. To get the token make a post and then go to the Network tab and choose the `posts` request. Find the “Authorization” header and paste it’s value to the “token” variable in the code.

You can also get the token with node.js by making a request to https://api.wasteof.money/session with

json: {
    "username": (your username)
    "password": (your password)

it works like that, i am using it with got , a node.js library for making requests with javascript

so this is how i made it (you make a post request)

import got from "got";

const { token } = await got
  .post("https://api.wasteof.money/session", {
    json: {
      username: "account",
      password: "password",

You should add a button like the most liked posts weekly, monthly and forever to switch between the to followers and top following leaderboards, I think that would be quite cool (not biased).

I second this request

I’m the top user now :D

What does it take to get access wasteof 4 anyway?

Can you vote for Elaruu :)

can i interview you about the upcoming wasteof election

stop being a web developer

be the change you want to see in the world

Is wasteof.money monetized, if so, have you been paying you taxes properly, If not, I will refer you to @IRS

Hello I’m new

and can you make a become me button on my profile pls?

5000th user was just created 🎉

Is there a site map for all the endpoints in api.wasteof.money somewhere?

Hey um can you please give me a list of every user on wo.m please :3

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