
error carried forward

hello world!

arc + raycast + applescript 👌

wasteof + arc browser works really well :)

linktree is worth $1.3b and has over 200 employees.


discord with roughly 30 million daily users getting 1.4 billion views on their video is pretty funny

oopsies i got a bruise 😔

rome has never been this brightly lit

only slightly terrified

my attention span sucks

there have been instances where i’ve been watching insta reels and yt shorts simultaneously on two devices

time to register for the may SATs

today is results day… 😳

after talking to my friends i’m convinced i took an easier SAT or something……..

today is results day… 😳

after talking to my friends i’m convinced i took an easier SAT or something……..

how can life be simultaneously the worst its ever been and the best yet?

Mar 20, 2024, 7:16 AM
31 2 16

after talking to my friends i’m convinced i took an easier SAT or something……..

is access to the internet a human right? should it be a human right?

(a line from a movie i watched)

it was so bad — the product placement for pepsi was literally a major plot point of the film

When You Take On The Responsibility, Great Power Will Come

When You Take On The Responsibility, Great Power Will Come


i refuse to believe these people actually exist.