
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

[RWA → Saint’s Campaign]

ENTRY F - Saint’s Followers

I had a dream that I played a simpler mobile version of Rain World. However, I stumbled upon a secret: if you waited in a certain room in Farm Arrays, you would encounter a pink-ish slugcat ghost, who would pick you up and ascend you themselves. Due to the Icelandic Waters wandering, the ending cutscene instead showed a Minecraft-style pig getting eaten by worm grass. Later on in the dream, I saw a description of the file that said something along the lines of "Being a pig, getting eaten by a plant comes too close to home". However, not only did this count as a win for the purposes of unlocking Hunter's campaign, but it also unlocked [MSC SPOILERS]. I was over the moon . . . until I woke up.

[RWF → *Moon Noises*]

ENTRY C - Rivulet Training Exercises

I got the idea to start a new Monk campaign, and play it normally . . . until we come to the Remix settings. To facilitate quick progress, I've set the rain timer multiplier to 0.7, resulting in - by my calculations - cycle times of 6 to 9 minutes. It's not quite as harsh as the cycle times that Rivulet had to put up with, but it's certainly tighter than Monk's normal 9 to 13-minute cycle times.

By letting all retentions go, I met up with [LTTM] in a mere 11 cycles. Things got a little rough in Shaded Citadel, as there was a shelter that showed up on the map as an icon, as I had entered the room it was in, but wouldn't show where its entrance was, as I hadn't actually seen it. However, I found it, fended off the impending rain, and went on my way.

I selected a slightly more orange color for Monk in this campaign. If this run ends without me feeling like it was hard enough, I'll try another run at a timer multiplier of 0.6 or 0.5, with an even oranger color.

You know your fixation with Rain World has hit a tipping point when you start developing a subconscious hunger for centipedes.

I had a dream that I was playing TLoZ:TotK and talking to a survey team member who traded maps for information. For some reason, I think I was looking for . . . centipedes?

The dream switches to my family exploring the beach outside of a vacation house. There was a pile of rocks, which my sister said she had navigated through many, many times. Later on in the dream, I was stealthily awake late at night, and was watching a strange video. [censored section] Up to this point, I had been constantly pausing and unpausing the video out of nervousness. Upon seeing this, I just switched channels.

The next video returned to the TLoZ:TotK map/centipede hunter scenario. For some reason, it was also possible to see and COLLECT UNDISCOVERED KOROKS from a certain selection map. After cheesing a Korok this way, some sort of wolf ominously showed up in the background. I don't remember what turn of events happened, but Link (the dream's perspective switched to third person here) joined forces with the wolf and started being pursued by some oversized person. The wolf also ate a centipede somewhere along the line. The oversized person somehow summoned a Daddy Long Legs to fight Link and the wolf, so the wolf spat out a hairball (I know that this is something that cats, not dogs, do, but the Icelandic Waters don't care) and turned it into a Hairball Long Legs!

Feb 24, 2024, 11:46 AM
3 0 0

Last month, I transferred most of my files to a USB stick, in an attempt to physically protect my data. Today, I got the idea to go in the opposite direction and plant TXT files in the places with unsecured files, containing messages meant to subliminally steer attention away from the sensitive data that I had to leave behind.

I’ll consider sharing them once I finish writing them.

[RWA → . . . My Brother?!]

ENTRY C - Pilgrimage Complete!

I have completed a pilgrimage run of Monk's campaign! For your information, here's the general route I took:

You can get a head start on a Survivor or Monk pilgrimage run by taking the secluded path from Outskirts to Farm Arrays. The colored pearl, the only pearl in Outskirts, can be used to pass the scavenger toll. I took this path and met the echo in Farm Arrays first. After some navigational confusion, followed by much falling-related frustration, I got into a shelter in Sky Islands and met the second echo. After more confusion over potential one-way pathways, I made a brief visit to Chimney Canopy for the third echo. I traveled through Industrial Complex, Outskirts and Farm Arrays on my way into Subterranean.

TL;DR: Outskirts -> Farm Arrays* -> Sky Islands* -> Chimney Canopy* -> Industrial Complex -> Outskirts -> Farm Arrays -> Subterranean*

In hindsight, I could've made the process more evident by heading back into Outskirts after getting the echo in Farm Arrays, going through Industrial Complex up to Chimney Canopy and meeting the first three echoes in the opposite order, and/or using passages. But using passages would take the literal pilgrimage aspect out of it, right?

PRESTIGE TREE UPDATE: I unlocked Nebula, Hyperspace and Imperium in Prestige Tree. I’ll make this quick and get to the numbers:

First Nebula reset: 16d 6h
First Hyperspace reset: 16d 3h
First Imperium reset: 17d 20h
Phantom souls: 36
Ghost spirit: 20
Honour: 5e54
Nebula energy: 8e20
> Purple dust: 1e15
> Blue dust: 8e16
> Orange dust: 1e18
Hyperspace energy: 5e32
> Hyperspace: 21 (5 unused)
> Hyperspace buildings all maxed out at 2/2
Imperium bricks: 5
> Building I: 3/5
> Building II: 4/6
Unexplored upgrades: 2
> Time Capsules - e124,000,000 prestige points with no hyperspace buildings, while in Productionless
> Time Capsules - 1e60 honour and 1e575 phantom power

FACT: M4V is a video file format created by Apple and used for media sold on the iTunes store. It is very similar to MP4, but with optional DRM protections. There are restrictions on what tools can be used to play them, but M4V files without DRM protections will be recognized by most video players if disguised as an MP4 file.

While reading through my “archival materials“ out of boredom, I rediscovered this quote:

* JustLandon - 7:14:22am
How many times has          FAKE
someone put you in a    <-  DISCORD
frying pan & asked you      POST
if Baba is a sheep?
Feb 17, 2024, 3:13 PM
1 0 1

RAIN WORLD UPDATE: The eggbug population in Sky Islands is so big that I ended up killing three eggbugs and storing both them and their eggs in a shelter. However, while I was depositing the third eggbug’s eggs, they started despawning when I dropped them into the shelter. I wonder why?

However, another issue presented itself. A white lizard went into the shelter and helped itself to one of the eggbugs. However, the shelter was one of those 3×3 top-exit shelters, so the lizard got stuck in there. I was forced to hibernate with the lizard, which counted towards The Friend. Nearly half of the following cycle passed with both of us trying and failing to get out of the shelter.

Eventually, I tried using a cherrybomb that I had stored in the shelter to force the lizard out. After being pummeled by the explosions of every cherrybomb stored in the shelter, I left the shelter to find the outside chamber empty. Then, a blue lizard, a white lizard (the same one), and a large swarm of batflies came out of a nearby pipe, all at once. Weird.

I did get footage of the incident, though it might be hard to understand because the file requires a little re-encoding. The footage is available on request.

The journal entries that I write have been getting longer, and in turn have been taking longer to write. For the fun of it, I decided to check the word counts of my longest journal entries. Only the newest ones over 200 words have been ranked here, with their dates, titles, and word counts:

2/11/A | No Messengers Left Behind   | 303 words
2/13/D | Stuck Inside Your Can       | 302 words
2/13/C | Survival, Answers, And Hope | 287 words
2/7/F  | The Rot Won't Stop          | 274 words
2/5/F  | GT-180 and Artisan          | 245 words
2/12/E | [name redacted]             | 222 words
2/3/C  | Rain World Day 1, Ses. 1    | 213 words
2/8/E  | Reaching Artistic Horizons  | 212 words
2/12/B | Spearmaster And The Vittles | 205 words

PRESTIGE TREE UPDATE: I have unlocked Honour . . . and I’m kind of confused. The point, prestige point, and honour requirements set for achievements and upgrades are awfully high. Is there something that I’m missing? Or is everything that I need to progress locked behind explorable prestige point upgrades and a LOT of waiting?

Honour: 814
Phantom souls: 8
Wraiths: 4
Timeless completions: 24/30
Option D completions: 4/10
Honour upgrades: 5/9
> Begin Again: BOUGHT
> Honour Boost: BOUGHT
> Self-Self-Synergy: BOUGHT
> Point Efficiency: BOUGHT
> Superpowered Upgrades: BOUGHT
Explorable Prestige upgrades: 1/3/7
> Plasmic Energies: EXPLORED
> Prestige Recursion: BOUGHT
> Spatial Awareness: EXPLORED
Feb 13, 2024, 5:34 PM
1 0 5

[RWA → Hunter’s Campaign]

ENTRY A - Hunter's Campaign, Ses. 1

I have successfully ascended and completed Survivor's campaign! However, being naturally overzealous (and planning to take on Spearmaster's campaign first-thing), I dove into Hunter's campaign . . .

I must say, I am not taking the pressure well. I've already been ground down to minimal karma (currently at 2 due to hibernating), and I had to give up the Aquamarine Pearl to get past a scavenger toll. I have already wasted three cycles of my precious time, but I was lucky enough to find an explosive spear . . . which I will probably never use, due to my reluctance to use limited resources.

I have successfully ascended and completed Survivor’s campaign in Rain World! I’ll update this post with a journal entry within the next hour.

[RWA → Oh Wow, It's COLD!]

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 9, Ses, 16

I'm on my way out! I decided to start making progress at full speed and went from Industrial Complex to Drainage System at top speed. I'm currently checkpointed in the shelter inside the karma gate that bridges Drainage System and Filtration System. I don't have much further to go!

While I was still in Industrial Complex, I discovered a way to climb straight-vertical walls (when staked spear removal is available) and also encountered a glitched bubble nut that was thrown like a pearl instead of a rock, and couldn't grow into a bubble fruit.

[RWA → *plunk*]

ENTRY B - Rain World Day 9, Ses. 15

Despite my main objective either taking me through Farm Arrays or through Drainage System, I have taken a brief step away to explore the Garbage Wastes. At the moment, I think that the Drainage/Filtration System path is the most feasible. I can take the Garbage Wastes path into Shoreline and visit Farm Arrays and Sky Islands during my Monk run.