
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

*gestures at request at the bottom of the entry*


ENTRY E.2 - Monk's Grand Pilgrimage!

I want to complete all three campaigns of Rain World before moving on to Downpour. This means that I'll have to complete Monk's campaign, which might be too easy as a Survivor player.

I have ideas on how I could make Monk's campaign more balanced. I was thinking that I could do a pilgrimage run; that is, getting maximum karma from echoes instead of the Mark. However, there are probably better ways. I haven't completed Survivor's campaign yet, so to the people of wasteof, please give your suggestions on what I can do to make a Monk run more balanced for an experienced Survivor player!

[RWF → Chronological Storage Solution]

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 8, Ses. 14

Rain World sessions and their respective updates will be continuing as usual! I am following a new and very strange vocation: hoarding baby centipedes and storing them in the shelter next to a lake in Industrial Complex. I plan to use these to tame a lizard at some point, but I am pressed for choices. My best bet would be a blue or white one, as those ones can climb on the background and "fly". However, I'm unlikely to actually do anything with the centipedes.

The shelter currently has six dead centipedes, one live hazer and one inflated bubble fruit stored in it.

It's about time that I give another update on my Prestige Tree progress. I managed to unlock Phantom Souls (and also Magic, if I didn't mention that) since my last update. Here are the numbers:

Total time played: 12d 23h
First M reset: 8d 4h
First PS reset: 11d 4h
Phantom souls: 8
Wraiths: 4
> Timeless: 24/30
> Option D: 3/10
> Central Madness: 1/1
> Productionless: 1/1
Honour unlock progress:
> Magic: e131/e150
> Balance energy: e161/e179

[RWA → Analyzing . . . Hunter Or Artificer?]

ENTRY A - No Progress Here . . !

I intentionally skipped a Rain World session this morning. I was planning to use the morning to design vectors for DDP, but between two rapid-fire GT-180 broadcasts and me discovering that I did not, in fact, have all of my files made before the Lunch irreparably deleted in the transfer to the stick, I ultimately got nothing done.

I wish that there was a silver lining to this, but there is nothing good about procrastination.

"Close my eyes, count to ten, could you take me back to then . . ."

[RWA → Pudding Up A Fight]

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 7, Ses. 13

I don't remember all of the details about the session; at 4:30, I just hit the hay and daydreamed really hard. This entry is being written nearly an hour after it ended. That being said, I managed to get out of Chimney Canopy and back into Industrial Complex. I took both of my pearls with me, despite the fact that I will probably never be able to deliver them to Looks to the Moon. I wasted the first half of the cycle trucking vulture grubs into the karma gate, which I ended up not taking with me. I located and collected some white pearls and the blue pearl, but a hasty flyby with a pole plant put the session to an end.

[RWF → Massive Storage Problem]

ENTRY A - Rain World Day 7, Ses. 12

Headlines first: my Dropwig neighbor from the previous update got killed, but it lineaged into a Spitter Spider. I thought those things were restricted to Hunter's campaign. Thank goodness I moved out before I found out!

As I make myself at home in my new, maggot-safe shelter, I've found myself stockpiling more and more items inside of it. Here are all the things I've collected:

  • 6 cherrybombs

  • 8 vulture grubs, in varying states of vitality

  • A spear, so I can eat the vulture grubs if there are no dead ones left and I'm in a crunch for time

  • My grappling worm friend

  • A vulture mask, knocked loose by a group of scavengers but found and taken by me

  • Colored pearls found in The Exterior and Chimney Canopy

  • A blue overseer eye, currently being stored in my stomach

Is anyone getting annoyed by me posting nothing but Rain World progress updates? I know that I should probably move this stuff to an alternative account, but I can't do that.

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 6, Ses. 11

I have made myself at home in Chimney Canopy. I have located two karma gates out of the region, but I am staying for now. I am in scavenger territory - literally. Directly outside my current shelter is a scavenger treasury, a pink lizard's hole, a patch of garbage worms, and a Dropwig. These neighbors are even weirder than that pole plant . . .

One of the reasons that I'm staying behind, besides the fact that I'm currently being pounded against the lower karma limit, is because I want to make a good impression with the scavengers. However, on my last successful cycle, I accidentally killed a scavenger while trying to save it from a lizard, and I took a regular spear from that scavenger treasury and thought nothing more of it because it wasn't in the lit area where all the explosive spears were. I fear that I may have hurt my reputation more than I fixed it . . .

(post retracted; may contain possible unwanted Rain World spoilers - open edit history to read)

Feb 8, 2024, 2:33 PM
1 0 0

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 5, Ses. 9

I became so frustrated with the grappling worm segments of The Exterior that I brandished passages and traveled RIGHT back to the shelter I needed that was near the karma gate, with all the karma I needed to get through the gate! I went into FP's superstructure, found two shelters, steered clear of the harmless bright lines, and got consumed by my fair share of rot before taking an alternative route that didn't involve Unfortunate Development. I made it to Memory Conflux before being forced to leave without saving. I'm fine with that.

"space scavs do not exist -  how did these spears get in here?" -me, in the Shellfish logs

aaAAAaaaaAAAaa a aa aaaa aa  aa aa

-me, discovering what zero gravity in Rain World feels like

I had some more dreams that happened after I wrote that entry. However, to save room, I'll just share my Rain World progress update right now.

ENTRY A - Rain World Day 5, Ses. 8

I finally managed to checkpoint in The Wall . . . only to discover how painfully close I came to discovering the gate into FP's superstructure! I'm currently trying to get back into the shelter in the center of the Underhang. It's a miracle that my friendship with my third blue friend (a grappling worm) hasn't ended yet!

Why do I keep waking from a dream at this very specific time? I don't know, but I'll play along with it…

ENTRY F - The Rot Won't Stop

I had a dream that I came up with a parody of Dreams Don't Stop about the Rot. In the same dream, I traveled around TLoZ:TotK by Like Like, explored a settlement of slugcat royalty in Rain World, met someone who sold things that were somehow all contaminated with dog diseases, and walked on a beach presumably filled with beached jellyfish.

ENTRY C - Rain World Day 4, Ses. 7

I made it through Underhang and into The Wall. I found a shelter in The Wall, but due to a pesky Dropwig and a lucky blue lizard, I'm still checkpointed in a shelter that's inside the Underhang, but is close to the entrance to The Wall. I died by drop WAY too much . . .

(For evidence of exactly how much I fell, see the post edit log.)

Feb 6, 2024, 9:31 PM
1 0 0

ENTRY A - Rain World Day 4, Ses. 6

I'm making tangible progress in The Exterior, as I have made it to a new shelter. I've started encountering DLLs, and they aren't too hard to deal with. The real problem is the white lizard that lives outside the shelter.

I second this idea, on the condition that there's some preparation beforehand. By my conditions, we would be maintaining a list of who’s swapping personalities with who at least a week in advance. We could also swap pfps or pfp art styles, or we could keep our pfps and let others try to figure out who's trying to look like who.

what if on april fools we all swapped around the type of posts we make.

like, imadeanaccount starts posting about dragons, radi8 talks about wasteof4 progress, i start talking about my 100% real college life, and oren starts posting quotes from breaking bad