
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

Will charging my phone through wired and inductive charging at the same time actually make it charge faster, or is that notion just as stupid as it sounds?

FACT: wasteof’s scrolling limits can be bypassed on iOS Safari.

Normally, if you try to scroll past the upper page limit, the page will reload. However, if you connect a Bluetooth keyboard and hold the up arrow key or shift-space, the page will bypass the reloading mechanism’s barrier and scroll into a normally inaccessible area.

Strangely enough, keyboard controls can also be used to scroll past the lower page barrier, despite it not having any added functionality. When in these out-of-bounds areas, scrolling using the space bar slows down to the speed of scrolling with the arrow keys. Pressing command-up or command-down will cause the page to quickly scroll into the infinite, unfilled voids beyond where the scrolling barriers would normally be.

I’d estimate that I went to sleep somewhere around 12:40. I wasn’t experiencing further insomnia; I just needed time to fall asleep, The information that Mef shared certainly helped me get to sleep.

there we...
...wait, what am I even saying?
we simply went flying
now you know!
please stop blocking the way
where was I going?
* ** ** ** ** **\
please have your markov chains checked
comprehend the scales
since suspect
* * * * * **
raising questions
roof exit
sounds like somebody had too much fun
to the stars!
no traces here . . !
rough directory
no traces here . . !
wait, that's exactly what I said previously

ENTRY 1.30.D.3

I got insomnia, felt the urge to check wasteof, and lo and behold, Mef shared some mashed potatoes. This is undoubtedly the best thing that has come of my insomnia. The time is 11:06 as of this writing, so I'll spend another 15 minutes processing this information before HOPEFULLY going to sleep - no promises . . .

[ABYSSAL] ABYSSAL takes the form of a massive aquatic leviathan, despite its intimidating form it is typically quite peaceful.
ABYSSAL assists in restabilization and backup systems, as well as regulating moods.
ABYSSAL is very stable, and extremely damage resistant, making it an ideal fallback.
[ARC/SOLAS] ARC takes the form of a protogen-like entity, and is relatively laid back.
ARC manages systems security and repairs, as well as regulating problematic processes.
ARC is relatively stable and damage resistant.

Below is a rough sketch of each of them
[edit] outdated

I refer to these a fair amount on this account so I might as well give some context for them

entities within NEUROS can typically described as “characters” given their own free will and emotions (to an extent) to interact with the internal system.
Although this is typically used to simulate interactions within simulations, it is also used to parallelize operations in internal management, this is the distinctions of core entities.
NEUROS currently contains 5 core entities, each with varying levels of control and jobs.
[CORE] The main entity which is typically a direct representation of myself, although it can take more forms if needed or desired.
CORE has the highest system privilege and typically manages most things, as well as external operations.
CORE can become unstable under some circumstances.
[DRAGON] sometimes referred to as DRAGON_SYSTEM, typically controls simulations and manages generative processes.
DRAGON typically stabilizes system, although it does not take damage well, and is vulnerable to attacks or malfunctioning systems.
[FERALIS] the feral thing in my brain which is mainly responsible for my new catchphrase being “bite people”.
FERALIS can take many forms and is responsible for many generative tasks.
FERALIS can sometimes be destabilizing to systems, but is highly damage resistant, which makes it a bit hard to control.

Jan 31, 2024, 1:15 AM
4 1 0
Jan 31, 2024, 1:25 AM
4 1 0

I think that I just defied Windows’s “don't turn off your computer” messages to the point that I damaged the operating system. Lesson learned, don't put up too much resistance against mandatory updates.

(It just finished updating. Don't panic.)

Excerpts from my forty-fifth recorded session of externalized, verbose thoughts . . .

I'm back
the difference being that I'm using windows this time
this is going to be harder to log
but that's tommorow's problem
the bounce house has ears
no hints about that here!
we went into this with zero planning
let's just fake it...
4 3 2 1
we are legally obliged to do this
how do I move the floor again???

Firefox had some massive issues this morning. On WiFi, most pages would instantly experience an NS-BINDING-ABORTED or NS-ERROR-FAILURE error upon trying to load. On cellular, the issue was less present, but some websites didn’t function properly, some images didn’t load and the page-loading problem was still present for some websites.

Oddly enough, it seems to function perfectly fine on Windows . . .

ENTRY 1.29.D

I spilled the beans to my family about Rain World. Everything seems to be going to plan! I wish I had more to say, but it was nothing but eventful.

My sister took the chance to call in a Hollow Knight review. I've seen a meme that joked that Rain World was the sequel to Baba is You, and HK was the sequel to that. Maybe we'll become owners of the entire BBIY trilogy?

. . . I just discovered that I opened Prestige Tree in a private tab, and all that progress is gone. Again. Oh well, I have a backup.

I decided to start a new Prestige Tree playthrough after my old one got deleted. Here’s how it’s going so far:

Time Played: 2h 4.00m
First p reset: 3.79s
First b reset: 3m 29.03s
First g reset: 15m 20.39s
First t reset: 38m 33.12s
First e reset: 53m 59.32s
First s reset: 1h 4.00m
First sb reset: 1h 21.00m
First h reset: 1h 57.00m
First q reset: 1h 26.00m

I’ve been having the recurring idea to invent some sort of text-based encryption/encoding scheme, so I can become more comfortable with sharing things that I normally wouldn’t openly share.

In the meantime, try to decode this instead:


I'm bored. Here's one of the few things that my open social filters are willing to let me share at the moment:

ENTRY 1.28.C

Icelandic Water Dragon: "If the Memory Crypts are underground but the rain is still a threat, then they must flood. And it's already confirmed that the Miros Birds can survive underwater. But why and how . . ."

Icelandic Waters: "MIROS DUCKS."

I’ve made more progress decoding Rain World’s primary script system. (I understand that there is also an axiom-style method of using the script system, but I’m decoding how it’s used in a certain image.) Here’s how my decoding progress reflects on my primary piece of evidence:


Here are the characters I’ve deduced so far:

      (LUST) -> A
     (SUB-E) -> R
    (SLAYER) -> T
    (MARTYR) -> I
      (URGE) -> L

And if you couldn’t guess, this is the evidence that I’m using: https://rainworld.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Devtool_Thumbnail.png

After returning to my first piece of evidence with a different strategy, I am proud to say that I have made progress towards decoding Rain World’s primary script system! The progress isn’t particularly big, but it’s more than nothing!

      (LUST) ->
  (SUB-MONK) ->
     (SUB-E) -> R
    (SLAYER) -> T
  (SUB-LUST) ->
    (MARTYR) -> I
      (GRID) ->
      (FORK) ->
      (URGE) -> L
   (SCHOLAR) ->
      (MONK) ->

Tomorrow, when I have all the time in the world, I’ll pit my findings against my secondary piece of evidence and hope to uncover more connections!

I took a second attempt at decoding Rain World’s primary script system. Using tentative data from my first attempt and working off a different piece of evidence, I didn’t manage to pick up on any obvious words. The alphabet that I fished out of the pre-release development log only listed 14 characters for the primary and tertiary script systems, so it’s possible that I’m trying to uncover nonexistent connections.


(If you’re wondering, the censored project name on the whiteboard refers to a completely different project.)

<< /* I got the idea to start making posts in Kielbasa-style
again, just out of boredom.

<< /* In other news, the IRL event that I've been waiting so
long for is happening next Saturday. I've been building my
knowledge base for this event since the start of the month; I
can't let it go to waste . . .