
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

HR ae father a dragon B nice former
Too many reColors!

This is what all of my in-the-moment-logged dream logs look like. Typing legible data onto a blindingly bright screen at 2am with heavily glazed eyes is not easy. Surprisingly, the hardest part usually isn’t figuring out what I was typing, but rather what I meant by it. The only thing I can remember of the “too many recolors“ dream is a very tall grid of small colored squares, against the backdrop of a high-altitude location in Rain World.

This afternoon, I remembered my physical notebook and decided to check when I had last used it. While looking through it, I found some forgotten plans.

FACT: While The Lunch was at large, I made plans for JMF&TS: Archival Materials, a release of Just the Mineral Fish and Their Soundtracks designed for handling general audio files instead of music. Planned features included the ability to choose soundtracks to view from a list, closed captions, and more advanced key art movement effects. Ultimately, it never made it past the planning stages.

A scene of a Miros Bird writing emails at the speed of light while chasing a slugcat at an equally fast pace sounds EXACTLY like the kind of thing that I would absentmindedly think up.

"(If you imagine the bird responding to 50 emails in that stretch as well)"
that sounds like something that would've come out of the icelandic waters . . .


Jan 25, 2024, 9:30 PM
3 0 0

This is Landon, speaking from his phone!

I don't have much to say besides that. I got my external drive working, transferred the necessary files, and downloaded the app needed to use it on iOS. Things are fine!

Preparing to copy to "MAIN FOLDER"
Preparing to copy 14,317 items . . .

Preperation complete.
Copying items . . .
\(progress) of 30.35GB - expect 25 minutes

Copy to "MAIN FOLDER" complete.
Ejecting storage device.
Jan 25, 2024, 1:41 PM
2 0 3

I would be a lot more active here if I had access to wasteof on my phone. Then, again, the only thing holding me back is the fact that Firefox and iCloud’s password managers aren’t connected . . .

Me being verbose, 34 recorded transcripts later:

today, purple tastes like . . .
. . . nothing
"They said 'electrochromic'! My cheese laser is a reality!"
wait, I don't need to know
the websockets are fresh
music is so potent
let's think
chaos some soap . . .
let's investigate . . .
after all, we only have 10 more minutes . . .
. . . someone took the baba is you - rain world crossovers a little too far . . .
let's see . . . what would they call it . . .
they don't even have a page on it
I had a dream that there was an in-order lexicon in PLAIN SIGHT...
you knwo wat that means??...
so many beady eyes
I have obtained a brownie
I forgot what brownies tasted like
insomnia . . .
and virus-induced NIGHTMARES
but then reality strikes...
and things don't strike out!
[[[sky hold]]]
we'll be notified
they're more important
and then there's enclave 1-18
it's a weird one
go sunpass
granular rainstorm got me for a second
I'll bite
I definetly saw lucky for a split second
conclusuin: I am the only one in the ouse
*blasts music out TV speakers*

My watch just told me something along the lines of “You closed your Move ring and then some today. What will you do today?“. To answer that question, I will announce that I am going to try to move most of my laptop’s data onto an external drive.

EDIT: After realizing the practical limitations of this - along with not being able to connect the disk to my phone - I’ve dropped the project.

IN OTHER NEWS: I woke up at 2am, 4am, 5am, fell asleep and woke up at 5am again, and got woken up at 6:25am by my alarm. And somewhere in the brief stages of sleep between those wake-ups, Mef showed up in a dream for the seventh or eighth time. I probably influenced that with the writing I made to plan for the data transfer.

Jan 23, 2024, 11:54 AM
1 0 4

I somehow managed to wake up at 3am last night. Normally, if I wake up early, I do it around 5am. The same night, I had a dream in which I was searching the Rain World pre-release development logs for a substitute alphabet for the game’s primary script system - and noticed it written, very small, in the top-right corner of an image.

My hunger for this kind of information is simply that strong.

FACT: The poster for the nonexistent movie The Mineral Fish Invade The TBGs was originally going to feature a forward-facing perspective of Copper Fish. I switched to a side view because Copper Fish’s mouth was open in that scene and I had trouble deciding how to draw and color the back of its mouth.

I bring this up because 1. the recent TBGs domain theft incident and 2. the fact that I have recently come up with another movie poster idea that I will not be bringing into reality, also due to a small design blunder.

However, in memory of my success, I have refurbished the poster once more.


I did some more work on the chronology, and I settled on this structure:

                     MWBW -> WTDGLAH -> (Future Story Arc)
                     /                              \
        [tbd] -> [tbd] -> [tbd] ----------> RHHM -> SDJD

Everything on the bottommost row is part of the second writing cluster. The [tbd] writings are plot holes to be filled in by future writings.

Out of boredom, I decided to make a roadmap for the chronology of my writings. The structure is divided into four clusters of connected writings.

The biggest chronological cluster encompasses six writings:


The second biggest cluster has four writings:


The remaining two clusters have two writings each:



While it isn’t very unified, it’s reassuring to see that there aren’t any detatched writings. On top of that, AOOCE, one of the writings in the first cluster, contains content similar to TMDD, meaning that I could potentially connect the two biggest clusters if I made a new writing to bridge them. I have some complaints about the writings in the second cluster, but I won’t disclose them to keep things brief here.

Yesterday, I remembered a quote, let my creativity do its thing, and ultimately ended up with these scenes:


(image may be scrollable, depending on your browser)

Me (IWD): “I had this dream that resulted from two of my major brain content inputs mixing. Even if drawing the scene at the scale that I want is too much effort, I can at least try to draw the main character in that scene . . .“

My Inability To Draw Haunches: *exists*

For your enjoyment, I just so happen to be maintaining a note with witty summaries of all my journal entries from a certain point, titled The Lemon Curry Chronicles. Here are the most recent summaries:

* 1.10.D.2: "Stop putting disgusting stuff on food if it's going to end up on my hands!"
* 1.11.A: "Warm pills . . . Zzzzz . . ."
* 1.11.B: "Are you ever gonna open the can of worms?! Well, I'm ready whenever you are!"
* 1.11.C: "By all means, channel your inner brain dumper, Spearmaster!"
* 1.11.D: "Park your hot dog on the stapler . . ."
* 1.12.A: "Behold! My first [PERSONAL MATTER] dream!"
* 1.12.A.2: "Let's shake up the exothermic processes with some metabolic processes . . ."
* 1.12.C: "Let's just be ethical for a minute."
* 1.12.C.2: "Don't you never, ever, pull my lever . . . BECAUSE I LITERALLY EXPLODE!"