
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

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  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

I forgot to mention this earlier, but I completed Rivulet’s campaign earlier today. The numbers?

Food: 210
Successful cycles: 42
Deaths: 88
Quits: 7*
Time: 03:01:52
< Met Looks to the Moon >**

The Survivor and The Saint achieved 
Two eggbugs killed


*Most of the quits were caused by a softlock bug I encountered, in which the game would randomly tick-freeze while the rarefaction cell was running.

**I did actually meet Five Pebbles, but due to a tiny proto-rot cyst outside his chamber swallowing me on multiple occasions, I ended up skipping over him to save time. Correcting this discrepancy in the ranking would bring it to 664.

Does anyone else feel allured by networks? Like, have you ever looked at a maze, a transit map, or a network of pipes, and just felt a strange pleasure from it?

ENTRY A - Backlog Overflow

After receiving a GT-180 broadcast containing a video file encoded in a way that Finder couldn't interpret, I tried putting it against Firefox, which actually managed to interpret it! The video was a recording of someone playing a game called mMetro, which attracted brief interest from me. [SENTENCE REDACTED]

There's just something about the irresistible allure of networking . . .

CONTEXT: I sometimes refer to myself as the Icelandic Water Dragon in my journal. But more specifically, I am the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 5th, 8:22pm . . .

ENTRY D - Swaggiest Spears Ever

[wall of text regarding development of a new original character]

Who knows! All that and more is up to further development! Do this concept justice, Icelandic Water Dragon of March 6th, 2024!

"The apple juice jug will have dwindled to negligible mass by the time it reaches your head." -Icelandic Waters

ENTRY E - We’re All Waiting!

While taking my bath, I the Icelandic Waters remembered Rain World's passage system and suggested that [removed due to a lack of relevance]. The Icelandic Water Dragon doesn't think much of this idea. Besides that, the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 5th, 8:02pm has done nothing to appease the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 5th, 7:26pm. I promise, the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 6th, 9:14am, or the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 6th, 6:21pm at the foreseeable latest, will have better news for you.

(While I'm at this multi-timeframe Icelandic Water Dragon thing, please ask the Icelandic Water Dragon of March 8th, 4:43pm about when my new iPad will arrive!)

My thought processes while troubleshooting a @State variable and an onTapGesture property:

how do we handle this?!
*tries the $binding thing*
how did I do this last time??
*turns on the explosive ipad*
*turns off the explosive ipad*
it changed color!
you know you're doing something right when the text changes color
it still doesn't respond to my prodding
none of these breakpoints are doing anything!

In the end, the reason for the dysfunctional variable was the fact that I had put its declaration in the content declaration instead of the view function declaration. And the dysfunctional tap events were caused by a coexisting .foregroundColor(Color.clear) modifier . . . for some strange reason.

TIP: when programming in SwiftUI, never forget that the ZStack view function exists. It may turn out to be more important and useful than you think!

ENTRY F - Close Calls

I had a dream that I was playing TLoZ:TotK . . . in Rain World's expedition mode. The menu listed two open save slots; one Artificer expedition, labeled "Pursued", and one Hunter expedition, labeled "Remembered". There was also a Spearmaster slot and a completely empty spot, but I assume those were unopened files. I started the Artificer file. I woke up in a skull rock near a bridge and a stable. At the very start, the scavengers had already caught up with we. I hitched a ride on a conveniently placed horse and went on my way. I was planning ahead for a Lynel in the way, so I think I was traveling west, on the road that leads to the Lanayru Road's east gate. However, if that were the case, then I would be on Mount Lanayru, which I clearly wasn't!

When I reached my destination on horseback, I had arrived at a building, which was some sort of living space-treasury combination? The house comprised of rectangular rooms connected by sliding glass doors. There were people living there. In my time there, I saw a few art installations in the building, as well as some clothes on display that I liked and might have worn, if the house's permanent residents and my parents weren't watching me from an adjoining room through the sliding door. And thank goodness I didn't, knowing what happened the last time I tried on clothes in a dream . . .

I have completed Gourmand’s campaign! I would've gotten the food quest ending as well, if that Aquapede hadn't sunken. Here's how the numbers turned out in the end:

Food: 400
Successful cycles: 56
Deaths: 105
Quits: 2
Total time: 05:33:48
< Met Five Pebbles >

Maximum karma: 9
The Survivor: COMPLETE
The Outlaw: COMPLETE
The Dragon Slayer: COMPLETE

      | Pink Lizard, Yellow Lizard, Scavenger,
ONE   | Cyan Lizard, Snail, Lantern Mouse, Aquapede,
      | Salamander, Pole Plant, Infant Centipede,
      | Black Lizard, Monster Kelp, Overgrown Centipede
      | Centiwings, Jetfish, Blue Lizard,
TWO   | Adult Centipede, White Lizard, Eggbug,
      | Dropwig
FOUR  | White Squidcada
SEVEN | Black Squidcada


I spent so much time making this unnecessarily detailed wallpaper for my iPad (which has not arrived yet) that I decided that I didn’t have time to make more for my five other focuses, which I will probably never see anyways.


Today is my birthday, but as with all my recent birthdays, I have it set up as a very minimal one. I have a new iPad coming to replace the one with the overgrown battery. I'm going to catch up on the software update news that I missed due to owning an outdated device.

I'm going to need to make new wallpapers . . .

The time is 5:40am, and I have a dream to share. I'll include paragraphs some other entries to have it make more sense.

ENTRY C - Just Scrape It Off . . .

During the call, I pried the case off the iPad and discovered that the case had bent the front glass. At the end of the session, I tried to repair it using tape. (Rule of thumb: if you see me carrying the tape reel, I'm trying to improperly fix something.) The adhesive was next to breaking, but the tape is also technically adhesive, so . . .

ENTRY E - Popcorn And Progression II

It turns out that the reason why the iPad's front glass was bent wasn't because of the case, but because of the battery. I've long noticed the severe degrading in battery capacity, but I never thought it was anything extreme. It turns out that the battery is literally expanding as its capacity decreases. Getting a new device is not out of the question.

ENTRY F - Breaking At The Seams

I had a dream about my unstable iPad. In the dream, the iPad itself gave the indication that the battery was becoming a problem. Due to the lack of an audible notification sound, I provided it myself. I ran out into the main rooms and showed my dad the warning message. I turned off the iPad. He later said something along the lines of "well, looks like I'll be visiting Twopenny", which he later explained was a store that he seldom visited.

I tested the Markov chain’s new data . . .

join at lafayette but it i went home and paralysis which will go down
in rain world's script was the room i never posted anything on an
ancient forest fox they still checkpointed in today's entry i shared
it was just barely out before watching the camera zoomed in rain world
scenario then became a patch of scone which stated that there's a
parody or not they still checkpointed in a slugpups-per-player rule
would have a chance to dreams directly or not accumulate being forced
to final hours i did some sort of gourmand's food tracker that there's
a dream involving some sort of me to make something new arc of calling
it then became a tloz:totk-style shrine as the artisan thread to final
hours i remembered a pesky dropwig and schedule also encountered a
potentially useful thread directory adding the rain world however i
checked as intended when playing a yt link from industrial complex
traveled through a very large pile of outright ignoring it i
figured out before my sister and my second dream involving some work on a
common theme is there were moving parts and it with moving parts and
met up with moving parts and pebbles the artisan thread to the style
of wall is stop with a shelter blocked off by adding the icelandic
waters have decided that it be possible translation of the way to
learn the same material as intended when playing a slug-cat hybrid i
did some of the next quirk layer
Feb 29, 2024, 6:53 PM
1 0 0

I loaded the Markov chain with data from some of my recent journal entries. Here’s some more content that came out of it:

a third slugcat traveling through an unknown region it had marie the
colubrine sector thread to force eject it had a karma indicator i was
a relatively short period of blank chain in
a karma gate while the chainValues array when i panicked a slugpup
aside from there! i've read that would add up with
that there's a scenario then became a very bad idea
pile of them worried among themselves about mobile suit baba could it
turned into a farm arrays variant filled with a cap of them being
actual slugpup aside from there! i've read that the colubrine sector
thread directory adding the code into a variant filled with moving
parts and all files intact phew
a player following the form of repetitive rain world scenario then it
earlier today so when i had marie the stick i did some reason napoleon
and another slugcat taking place in Swift I made of a slugpups-per-
player rule instead that limit was exploring the reader to each player
disguised as a little however i had a chance to saint and lafayette but
it had a little however i did some sort of repetitive rain world
scenario then it earlier today so when i reloaded the relationship

The problem is that it doesn’t have nearly enough data . . .

I finished making the Markov chain that I mentioned in my previous post. I would share it, but I don’t have a good medium by which to share it. However, it works.

sitting in the drink fell and there was peace on
or not the following are the dumpling shaft

I finished making the Markov chain that I mentioned in my previous post. I would share it, but I don’t have a good medium by which to share it. However, it works.

sitting in the drink fell and there was peace on
or not the following are the dumpling shaft

I’m trying to program a Markov chain in Swift. This is what the model training code looks like. In spite of me not being particularly good with Swift, it seems to hold up in testing, putting the right values in the chainDict and chainValues arrays.

func trainModel(input: [[String]]) {
    var previousWord: String? = nil
    for sample in input {
        for word in sample {
            if JRContains(list: chainDict, query: "\(word)") { // If the word is already in the chain's data...
                if previousWord != nil { // If there is a word to chain this word to...
                    chainValues[chainDict.firstIndex(of: previousWord!)!].append("\(word)") // Chain previous word to new word
            } else { // Otherwise...
                chainDict.append("\(word)") // Add word to dictionary
                chainValues.append([]) // and add a new chain pool
                if previousWord != nil { // If there is a word to chain this word to...
                    chainValues[chainDict.firstIndex(of: previousWord!)!].append("\(word)") // Chain previous word to new word
            previousWord = "\(word)"
        previousWord = nil
Feb 28, 2024, 9:33 PM
2 0 0

[post retracted - didn't read read the original post closely enough before posting, open edit history to read]

Feb 27, 2024, 12:16 AM
0 0 0