so true :3

you are now no longer a fish

I'm sorry for taking behind your back. I understand if you don't accept this apology.

i forgive you. ^^


is one of your pronouns “no” or am i dislexic?

it's supposed to say “do use she or it, do not use they or them”

makes sense, thank you for being chill about it

you said you should add wasteof to ur website so im reminding you in case you forgot :3

(also maybe you could use the 88×31 i made plspspls 🥺)

also i dont think ur site built for the past ~2 commits

oh i must have forgotten lol

omg haiiiiiiiiii :33

lily doesn’t have fedi or wasteof, do you want me to make up a discord bot website thingy so you can chat to us?

my dad's trying to fix a printer rn but i can try later :3

wait what are you on, chromebook? if not, i can probably make up a socks proxy for you

yahhh :c

btw can i get your phone number? i want to see if its somehow possible to make international calls from where im at

on fedi, i don’t care if ashley can see it but i do care if people can see it on wasteof

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lily entered the chat


(this is the worst pub i have ever made i am so sorry)

pun* fuck

unrelated but you should add ur wom to ur website i think (and use the 88×31 i made maybe 👉👈)

i should actually yeag

best* :3

i cant like comments so uhh


shit im already too used fedi reactions

alos btw i’ve (barely) interacted with them before but i dont know shit abt plural systems so if i say something wrong/bad/whatever im sorry /gen

it’s totally fine! :neofox_pat_floof: (uh oh i’m used to fedi reactions too)

there’s a fed within 100 miles of your location you should bite them

i am become lily, eater of feds

leave no tendon whole, bath in their blood like v1 ultrakill , put on cat ears and take cute selfies over their mutilated body.

tell me ur timezone


How is Lilypad going?

it’s going well. i’m learning a new framework called leptos, which allows me to develop features way faster than anything else did.

Sounds good!

Any clue about when it will be released? I want to be the second user

who´s a “fed”…?

a fed is a federal agent

and why do you hate them…?

welcome to wasteof :P

did you make a bot that detects jeffalo follow changes

radi8 made a script that sends push notifications when someone follows jeffalo

we use it to welcome new users

have you made turbowarp extensions

not yet, why?

theres another Lily who made like 10

oh yeah that's not me but she's cool

you are now a fish.

blub blub :3

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