there’s a fed within 100 miles of your location you should bite them

i am become lily, eater of feds

leave no tendon whole, bath in their blood like v1 ultrakill , put on cat ears and take cute selfies over their mutilated body.

tell me ur timezone


How is Lilypad going?

it’s going well. i’m learning a new framework called leptos, which allows me to develop features way faster than anything else did.

Sounds good!

Any clue about when it will be released? I want to be the second user

who´s a “fed”…?

a fed is a federal agent

and why do you hate them…?

welcome to wasteof :P

did you make a bot that detects jeffalo follow changes

radi8 made a script that sends push notifications when someone follows jeffalo

we use it to welcome new users

have you made turbowarp extensions

not yet, why?

theres another Lily who made like 10

oh yeah that's not me but she's cool

you are now a fish.

blub blub :3

follow me

i love u

haiiiii :3

hey liys

you should take the political compass test:

i was at the very bottom left the last time i did it

makes sense

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